xiv. prince

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"Is that a yes?" Michael shyly asks, a blush painting both of his cheeks. After the kiss he shared with calum they just went back to staring into each other's eyes again, never getting tired of it even with their heart beats ringing in their ears. They just appreciated what's in the other.

After finally calming down, his question sinking in Calum's head, calum giggles. He thinks that Michael is being adorable and he's not even aware of it.

"Of course not," he bites his lip and stares down, fiddling with his cold fingers. Before the other gets the wrong idea, he adds, "Not yet, at least.." He murmurs, blushing a little. He hopes michael gets what he means.

The blonde, of course, nods his head in understanding, knowing full well that it's too soon for a romantic relationship to be formed. He hasn't even wooed him yet, but hey- at least he made the first move on asking him. Kind of. And calum just said he has a chance! A freaking chance! He grins. He feels proud of himself, but on the outside he can't help but rub the back of his neck, trying to hide his nerves.

"N-now that I've thought of it, i think Be Mine is a little inappropriate and demanding, so I'm going to rephrase it." he says, racking his brains to form a better sentence. Think, michael, think!

Calum looks back at him and hums, waiting. "..and?"

Michael perks up with an idea. "I will take you out on a date." He smiles at him, gently taking the younger boy's hand in his. Calum just stares at him for a few seconds, intently looking at every detail of his face. Michael's about to ask him what's wrong and to stop staring, but before he opens his mouth calum bursts in giggles yet again. This time louder, making the older raise his eyebrows.

He gulps. "What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"A-are you even serious, mikey?" Calum tries to stop giggling like a kid but he really can't help it. The way michael said it is just so funny to him and it keeps on replaying inside his head like a broken record.

"What? I am! I'm serious!" Michael pouts, squeezing calum's hands. The twink only snorts, highly amused at the moment.

"B-but you still sounded demanding. Like, like I don't have a say in it. Like I can't say no because you're taking me out on a date and it's final!" Calum is doing funny hand gestures as he tells, which michael can't understand at all, making the younger double in laughter.

Seeing that he's only confusing the agent, he sighs to calm himself down, then leans to Michael's warm chest. He just can't help giggling about another side of michael he encountered today. And frankly, he wants to see all his sides, whether it's bad or good. The way he handles himself under pressure, being interrogated under the spotlight, the way he meets new people and how he treats them if he doesnt like them. Everything. Calum wants to learn all about him. And he swore to himself to stay for a long time just to do that.

Even after his mission with him ends.

Michael stares down at him fondly, chuckling at himself. Calum is such a cute little boy. He knows he's incredibly bad at being sappy and romantic. But what can he do? He had spent all his life avoiding anyone from school, university and neighborhood, except the families living in the house across them and in their left and right as well.

"I'm sorry, I'm just- I'm not really used to this kind of things." He sighs, shoulders slumping. This is all new to him. He's had a few flings here and there, but he never took it to a whole new level. He's scared of commitment, because at times he knows his job will get in the way, causing a future drama which he absolutely hates to deal with, and he's never given it that much thought anyway. He's young, he knows he should be enjoying his life. Not stressing about a fucking mission. But now that he's grown attached to calum, it's not just work anymore. And it's scaring him, to be frank. He's conflicted on what he should do. But now he realized that it might be worth a shot to give their cute friendship a try. A try to make it one step higher. He's considering it. Which is weird, and new. It's a huge change.

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