xii. mary

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It's early in the morning. The sound of the alarm clock sitting on the desk has been ringing and vibrating for almost a minute now, until a certain blonde starts mumbling incoherent things, her sleep now disturbed. After rubbing her eyes and rolling to her side she throws a pillow at the poor thing, causing it to fall and shut up. She triumphantly smiles when the ringing stopped, but when she saw the displayed time she knew she had to get up or else nothing productive will be done for the rest of the day. Start it timidly, end it timidly. So she sighs, getting up like a zombie.

After finishing her usual morning routine which includes taking a bath, looking presentable and cute for almost an hour, loading her bag with the things she needs for a wednesday class, and also not forgetting the novel she's currently reading about all the bright places, now that she's done, she happily zips up her backpack and swings it over her shoulder, rushing down the stairs.

"Oops!" The young teen stops in her tracks, remembering that her money is almost running out, and it's just enough for the day. She's never that girl who's on a budget. She likes having extra money at unexpected times, and that's like everyday for a Mary Clifford.

"Good thing that I haven't left yet!" She mumbles, going up again to go to Michael's room. "Brother! I've got to ask for another allowance now, I'm almost running out of-" she stops, staring at the cold, made bed and silent room. She looks around and sees no sign of Michael. "Michael G, which stands for gay bro, Clifford?" She giggles, trying to make Michael come out but nothing happened. He should be protesting by now.

Then her paranoia causes her to become afraid. What if he left her without goodbye? What if he decided to leave since she's only a burden in his life? She likes to tease him after all. Oh no. That's not true.

Her heart starts beating fast. "Y-you're supposed to be at home already! Where the hell are you?" With her trembling hands she takes her phone out, thinking that calling her elder brother is the best way to talk and know his whereabouts fast.

Michael, who's currently driving on the way home looks at his phone ringing inside his bag, which is on Calum's lap. Calum looks at michael to check if he can open his bag, to which the blonde nods with a smile, so he opens it and takes the phone out, reading the display id on the screen.

"It's Mary. Who is she?"

"Oh!" Michael bites his lip, feeling all guilty because he totally forgot about her younger sister. No texts, no calls, no updates of him for the past two days. "Crap, she must be worried-sick, looking for me now!" He answers, still looking at the road.

Calum raises an eyebrow and notices that michael didn't answer his question, so he repeats it again. "Who is she?"

Michael looks at calum this time, chuckling at his slightly annoyed face, "She's my little sister. Remember the one I told you about when we first met? She's a fan." Calum nods and stares back at the screen. "You should answer that, tell her where we are."

Calum can't help but blush, because this is totally a progress in their relationship. Michael doesn't look like the type who lets others touch his things, especially a personal belonging such as his phone, but here he is letting him answer a call, and from his sister, my god. He swipes to the green button and answers, "Hello?"

Mary's eyes instantly widens. She totally did not expect this. It's the first time in her life hearing someone else answer her brother's phone, whether it's a girl or a boy. Freaking hell. "Who the fuck are you?" She raises her voice, getting all bitchy like how she usually is to strangers. Something bad might've happened to her brother, his phone might be stolen, lost or something. Just who the hell is she talking to? "Why do you have my brother's phone! Where is he?!"

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