xx. mali-koa

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Late because of writers block. I had no filler ideas, I'm so sorry! This is the shittiest long chapter ever written in history.

"M-mali-koa?" Calum breathes out.

The tall girl sitting on the couch turns to face his direction, a wide smile forming on her similar plump lips as they stare at each other's chocolate eyes. Calum almost cries at the sight, because my god, his mali came back. His older sister came back.

Mali-koa fucking came back!

"Mal! Oh my god!" Calum drops his phone and the call with michael abruptly ended when the screen came in contact with the floor. He runs to Mali's wide open arms and truly felt like he's home after years of missing her. "Mali, mali, mali."

"Calum, I'm sorry if I left you.." Mali tears up, hating how she let calum wallow in sadness after she left them without any goodbye. Calum looks so heart broken right now, crying his heart out. She bites her lip, cradling her younger brother in her arms. She rubs circular patterns on his arm trying to comfort him who's full on crying now.

"Mali," the younger boy hiccups, "Mali. You're here. I'm not being delusional, am I?" He repeats his sister's name over and over as if it's a magic word. Every time he says it, it's like his heart would burst in happiness.

"I'm not, cal. I'm here. I came for you, for mom and dad!"

"Why didn't you come back sooner?" Calum whines, his voice cracking at the end.

Mali wipes the tears falling down on her brother's cheeks. "Stop crying, please. It's hurting me. I'm so, so, sorry to not have come back sooner. I had to make sure. I-"

"But you're back n-now, wh-where have you been? Where did you go all these years, mali?"

She sighs and holds calum's cheeks firmly to make him look straight in her eyes. "I've been staying in the Philippines for the past six months, in southeast asia. I had to leave the west side of the globe to ensure my safety. I- I had to make sure he won't find me or else,"

"Or else what?"

Mali gulps and lets go of his cheeks, but still holds his hands for assurance. "I will- I will die. He will k-kill me."

Calum gasps. "Wh-what- who are you talking about? Who is he? Who will kill you?!"

"Ashton Irwin."

That's the name mali will never, ever forget. He almost killed her too when he saw her watching them. Thank god she joined track and field during her high school days. She only got lucky when she escaped the same day, but she never had the chance to return back to her real home since then. She's afraid that he'll follow her, and she believes that this is her second life on earth already.

"B-but what did you do for him to want to kill you?" The younger of the two wipes his tears using the back of his hand, and intertwines their hands. He looks totally confused and nothing is making sense to him.

Mali closes her eyes, rethinking the events that happened on that unforgettable day. "I- i saw him stabbing somebody repeatedly in the office where I work at four years ago. I was working as the secretary of the boss, remember? I used to come back here every weekend late at night, and I always find you still up, strumming some chords in your room.."

"Yeah," calum closes his eyes as well, smiling a little. "Yeah, I remember that."

"M-my boss, Mrs. Karen clifford, was on a break that week with their family. I was the only one she informed about it because I handle most of the employees under her and under me, so there wasn't a need to tell everybody.

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