x.ii madness

660 52 33

sorry for the cliffhanger, i'm such a bitch for doing that ik ik :p

"WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN, GASKARTH?!" Michael screams at the top of his lungs, making the fragile boy in his arms flinch at the sudden loudness. He tightens his hold on the gun for the second time once he realizes what's actually happening; Alex hurting calum, Alex betraying them. Is he really the one who hurt Calum? The staff? And even the other innocent band members? Because if he is, michael swears to god, he's going to kill the living life out of the blue haired guy, no matter what it takes, or where the consequences will land him. He's so mad he's speechless at the moment, eyes wide in anger.

"Might as well drop the gun, kid, you know you can't win against me." Alex smirks, taking confident steps towards him, daring him each step, and yes, he knows the boy cannot shoot him by the current look on his face.


"Welcome, agent! Do you like my masterpiece?" Alex reaches out his hands to both sides, like a guide welcoming a tourist in the place. What's wrong is that the supposed to be tourist attraction is the room where the staff and the famous band are currently unconscious from all the beatings they got earlier.

Michael secretly presses a button attached in his belt, which is usually used for calling a back up. It will alert the other agents with the similar button by beeping twice. He thinks that back up is needed this time, because too many people is involved and he knows he can't handle them all with Alex still in the place, waiting for him to put up a fight.

"Did you do it?" Michael asks, words full of venom. His jaw is slack and the veins on his neck are visible. He carefully places calum on the cold tiled floor, still pointing the gun at Alex. Then he stands up and goes straight to the traitor, violently grabbing him by the collar and roughly pushing him against the wall.

"Did you leave the headquarters after chief told you to go to the intelligence to friggin' work?!" He sneers, eyes narrowing.

"But I don't know what you're talking about, agent?" Alex sing-songs, leaning closer to Michael's face to provoke him some more, their noses brushing from how close they are.

"No fucking shit, Alex!" Michael growls, gripping his collar tighter. "Where's Jack? Is he just like you? A traitor?!"

Before Michael speaks further, Alex flips them over so that michael is the one pinned to the wall this time. "Can you drop the shit talk, agent? I've got no time to deal with you. Is that pretty little twink your boyfriend?" He looks to calum, grinning like a maniac upon seeing his and his friends' current bloody state. Alex's heart beats fast at the sight of blood, he likes it so much, he likes the rusty smell of it lingering in the air. His fingers dig into Michael's pale arms, causing the agent to grunt and push him away.

"He looks absolutely breathtaking, but too bad I had to get my job done." Alex stares at calum's helpless position, grinning widely.

"I'm sure I owe him a lot, since he became pretty submissive when he's the only conscious one left!" Then he erupts in laughter.

At the mention of calum, michael looks over to the pained boy again and fumes. He drops the gun and punches Alex with all he got, thinking that he'd like Alex to feel the pain slowly and bit by bit, not just fast and easy like a bullet. He continuously throws jabs here and there until Alex blocks one and successfully lands a hard punch on Michael's jaw, giving them both time to fall back and steady themselves.

Michael stumbles back, but laughs, "I can't believe the day will come that we're fighting like this. You're like a fucking brother to me!" He lunges forward and knees the other agent in the groin, causing him to drop his gun like michael.

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