ii. present

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"MOM!" Michael jerks up from his nightmare, desperately trying to calm and convince himself that it's all just a bad dream. Just a bad dream. Totally harmless and will not chase them to death. He's gripping his black bedsheets so tight that his knuckles are whiter than it already is.

"Mary? Mary?" With a husky voice he calls his little sister out loud, holding onto the edge of his nightstand due to his dizziness from standing up so suddenly. He sighs and shuts his eyes for a second before carefully walking out of his room this time.

It is a rather sunny afternoon, totally the opposite of what was broadcasted in the weather news in the morning of the same day. Michael sniffs the familiar scent of peperoni pizza from downstairs and he becomes surprised that it's already so late. It's a school day, if anything.

"Luke? What time is it?" He asks groggily. He grunts when he trips at the last step of the stairs and continue walking to the dining table.

A tall white boy also around his age turns to face him, surprised at Michael's presence. He thought that Michael already left for university earlier since he had an eight o'clock class from what he can remember.

"It's already twelve thirty in the afternoon, Mike." He chuckles. "Why are you still here? You're supposed to be at the uni."

The sleepy boy scoffs and takes a slice of pizza on the counter. "I overslept, obviously." He says with his mouth full. He remembers helping his friend Alex in spying a drug lord's hideout last night, keeping him awake for the rest of the night.

Luke just laughs at his friend's grumpiness, totally used to it by now. "No need to be grumpy! And that's actually my pizza, you shouldn't even lay a finger on it!" He walks over and slaps Michael's other hand which is trying to get another slice.

Michael grumbled, "But I'm hungry! What are you, twelve?" He rolls his eyes at Luke and stands up to open the fridge. He gets a pitcher of water and pour some on a glass for himself. "Where's Mary anyway? Did she leave for school?"

Luke nods and plops himself on the couch. "Yep. I didn't really talk to her since she's a meanie in the morning, just like you. Why?" He raises an eyebrow, changing the channels on TV.

Michael sighs and takes another pizza (well, he's punk rock, no need to ask), plopping beside Luke. "Had a nightmare about the usual. I wonder if she gets it too." He takes a bite.

"Hopefully not." Luke mumbles, finally settling on netflix since the other shows are crap.

He sees Luke glaring at the pizza slice he's holding, and he chuckles before finishing eating it. "Thanks for the pizza. I'm fucking late and I probably should catch up to my next subject in an hour!" He says, clearly annoyed at the fact.

He stands up and runs upstairs, taking a short bath and wearing the usual look he lets everyone see. A plain black shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and an all black rubber shoes. Lastly, his fake reading glasses. He wants to give the nerd vibe so that everyone will stay away from him. He doesn't want to befriend anyone in the uni especially since he's involved in a secret society and has a dangerous occupation at night. He knows that those he holds close might be in danger once the time comes.

He takes a look at himself in the mirror and nods at his reflection. "Well, I might as well get going."

The day at the university went by in a blur, and later Michael finds himself fetching his sister Mary from the highschool near their apartment. He leans on the post across the gate, humming a familiar tune, waiting for a certain blondie to come out. Once he sees Mary waving goodbye to her friends, he walks over and pats her head with a smile.

"Had fun?" He asks, getting the heavy books she's holding and carrying it. Mary smiles a little and they start walking back home.

"Yes, and no." She answers after a while.

Michael hums and glances at her. "What happened?" He asks, bothered that something bad might've happened to her in school. "Did someone bully you?"

"No, not really." She sighs. "We had a dance class today, and I think I didn't give my best in the ballet routine. I just hate this feeling." Mary pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.

Michael laughs at her and pulls his sister closer to him, enjoying the warmth that her body emits. Mary scoffs at her brother's teasing but hugs him nonetheless.

"You're supposed to comfort me, idiot."

"I'm not an idiot, I'm a nerd, right?" Michael laughs louder, adjusting the rim of his nerd glasses. Mary rolls her eyes but laughs with him afterwards.

He loves days like this, when they just let it pass like it should, enjoying their sister and brother bonding with nothing to worry about at all.

It has been eleven years since the death incident of their parents. Michael still remembers it all too well. The look on their parents' faces and the heartbreaking feeling of his eight year old self. That's why he told his relatives to sell the mansion they used to live in and put the money in his bank account to start anew. The mansion holds too many bitter memories so he didn't regret that decision one bit. Which leads to them now, having a not too big, but not small apartment and sharing it with his best friend Luke. Even if he and her sister has a shit ton of money from their parents' last will and testament, they both agreed to keep a low profile and just enjoy life as it is, appreciating the small things and little moments.

They met Luke when they're in the highschool that Mary is still attending now. It was a cliche moment, really. Luke became seven year old Mary's crush the moment her eyes landed on him, because everything in him screams HOT. From his remarkable quiff, lip ring, broad shoulders, band tees and skinny jeans, everyone knows he's worth the title of a campus crush even if he's a transfer.

Michael was supposed to hate him when Mary tells that she's crushing hard on Luke, and when he learns that Luke is actually his classmate, he was more than ready to beat the shit out of him. But when he hears Luke singing randomly about how great pizza is, the one hundred and one ways of beating him totally went out of the window.

And look where they are now.

Chapter ii at present time.

Thanks to my new friends who are reading this. The next chapter might show Calum, but not face to face with Michael. I have plans. Hahaha.

Votes and comments are appreciated. Until then! :)

Malum trash,
Kate xx

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