vi. success

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"So we're going to perform again a song for you guys, since we love you so much and every single incredible thing that's happened to us is made possible because of the fans. I hope you enjoy this performance and I'm going to pour my heart out into this for the last time." Troye  reaches out for the golden acoustic guitar with the two Xs in it, puts the strap around him and plucks the strings to check if it's in tune.

The girls all sit on the couches in anticipation, the glint of pure happiness shown in their eyes. The boys are all standing at the back, staying in the background, just observing the band in the front and waiting for what's about to be played. Michael accidentally looks over to Halsey and snorts at her pretend excitement because he knows she's clueless, by the way her hands are awkwardly placed on her lap.

Troye clears his throat and Ryan, the electric guitarist plucks the first chords with a smile on his lips. "Life's a tangled web, of cellphone calls and hashtag I don't knows." Troye sings.

The song continues to play till it gets to the last chorus and some of the girls start to get teary eyed when they find out that their time is running out and that the fan meet is going to end in half an hour.

Calum's face scrunch as he hits the high note, "We put the world away, we get so disconnected!"

"Being a fan must be hard," Pete says all of a sudden. Michael raises an eyebrow and looks at the older guy who's looking at the other emotional girls. He smiles and nods, remembering his sister Mary's efforts for the band.

"That's certainly true." He chuckles. "My sister is a fan of them and her room is full of their posters. She even buys their albums and such. It's crazy."

The other agent grins at what he said. Then he shrugs. "It's a shame that this is something she can't be a part of, though." He gives a brief glance around to check if someone notices that it has a double meaning. "She could've been so happy if you brought her here." He adds.

Michael fixes his nerdy glasses before crossing his arms, pouting like what a child would do. "What are you talking about, Pete? I'm offended." He fake hurts, talking in a mock childish voice.

"Why are you offended, there's nothing offending in what I said." Pete laughs.

The blonde only smirks at him. "You're talking like this is the last time I'll see them, like I'm not gonna be able to take them out for some coffee even after this for a," he quotes in the air, "friendly talk."

This catches the attention of Halsey as well, since she's not quite that far from them. But she just continues rubbing the girl beside her's back for comfort pretending that she didn't hear a thing they're talking about.

By this time the band is finished singing their last song and the members are walking over to the crying girls.

Pete grins at Michael and pats his back, shaking his head at the younger one's sudden boost of confidence. "Might not want to promise that if you know it's fifty-fifty."

"Oh, it's not fifty-fifty!" He chuckles, but kicks Pete's foot.

When Calum's eyes land on Michael, the blonde eagerly waves him over with a bright smile. Pete then takes the hint to leave when Michael kicks his foot yet again, causing him to laugh at his childishness in being non verbal.

Calum obediently walks over to him while wiping the sweat on his temples and forehead with a baby blue towel. "Hi again, Mikey!" He beams. "Don't get too close to me, I stink!"

Michael laughs and shakes his head. "That's alright, I don't mind." He takes a step closer but Calum immediately steps back.

"Nooo, don't come any closer!" He pushes Michael away, but wrong move. The taller guy holds his wrists and pulls him to his chest, "Free hug for the bassist for a job well done!"

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