xvii. hazel

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Come nighttime, a certain blonde walking around the club is currently trying to get to a private room rented by their agency on the second floor. But with a simple task at hand, he's having a hard time doing it, with the girls always noticing the hottie. After all, who comes to a club with a busted lip, bandages scattered on different parts of his body but still manages to look punk and hot at the same time?

Luke Hemmings.

He looks much more stable now, thanks to Mary's help, but internally the aching still hasn't subsided. He received a pretty hard blow in his jaw too, damn that hazel grace. That's why he doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. He's ignoring the girls trying to block his way to have a good time with him, but him rolling his eyes only make them all the more persistent and determined.

Damn it, can't they just go the fuck away?, he thinks to himself. When he sees the stairs he immediately runs to it, not caring whether he elbowed anyone in the way or not. He just needed to get there on time. He looks at the watch in his left hand, 6:54. They need him there at 7. So he goes upstairs and ran to the farthest room, the one with a card "Do not Disturb" hanging from the doorknob. He sighs in relief, because he made it. In fact, he wouldn't have rushed if the girls weren't in the way. But, what matters most is the door in front of him, and what's behind it, so luke sighed again, calming his heart, composing himself. He turned the knob around, once, then knocked once too. It was their code.

The door opens, revealing a brunette girl smiling at him. "Hi, hemmo. Come in."

Luke nods at the girl. He puts his hands in his pockets, giving her back a tight-lipped smile. "Thanks, Jenna. Where are they?" He looks around the room and surprisingly finds no one.

She silently closes the door behind them and follows Luke to the couch. They slowly take a seat across each other, both knowing that it will be an awkward conversation. "Oh, you didn't see them? The boys are in the dance floor, trying to score tonight. It's a great day for us, yeah?" She chuckles.

Luke mentally rolls his eyes at that. Great day? He would've said that if he wasn't punched in the jaw and beaten up earlier this morning before they all separated.

But he keeps his straight face on. "Huh. Is that so. Well, what do they need me for?"

Jenna crosses her legs and is about to open her mouth when the door to another room creaked open. Luke didn't notice it at first, but the door's outline is there when you stare long enough. His heart starts picking up its pace again, and he gulps when he sees their boss looking at the two with a sly smile.

"Hemmings. I'm impressed you made it on time." His deep voice cuts through the silence, making the hairs in the back of luke's neck rise and give him shivers. He'll always be afraid of this man, and the things he could do, more than anything in the world.

"I-yeah, boss. What did you need me for?" Luke asks, standing up to show respect.

The man only grins at him and gestures for the both of them to come in, "Go inside, but lock the door. I don't expect anyone to enter anymore so you two might as well watch us having fun."

Jenna and Luke gives him a curt nod and obediently follows their boss to the other room reeking of smoke, wine, drugs, and sweat. Luke scrunches his nose up, hating the combined smell with all his gut but not having the guts to say it out loud because for sure it will cause another punch in the jaw. He tries to minimize inhaling the air, if that's possible. He has no choice but to be a good underling to their boss, as always.

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