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The next moment that Michael opens his eyes is when he wakes up from a deep slumber, alongside calum in the next bed. He squints his eyes at the sudden exposure of the bright light, and groans when he feels the pain of his whole beat up body.

"Wh-where am I?" He asks to no one in particular, looking around the room until he sees the British agent sitting not too far from him. Marina heard his question and immediately closes the book she's reading, placing it back inside her bag before walking over to him with a comforting smile.

"You're in the hospital." She answers.

Marina only smiles at him the whole time, knowing that it'd be bad if she continues the conversation by striking all the questions unanswered the previous night. Even though all of them have been itching for real answers, she decides against it. Michael will surely be upset with her if she tries now.

Last night when they arrived in the studio, they found michael barely holding on to his consciousness. Calum's head was on his lap, but the celebrity was already knocked out like the rest of his band mates and managers. When they start to bring them out of the room one by one and to the hospital, Michael was carefully held by Pete. The blonde was limping, whining about a lot of things at the same time on the way to the van, but before passing out he managed to form a proper sentence, telling Pete to "take care of calum." Not too long after that, he closed his eyes and fell into oblivion.

Marina stares at the blonde who's only observing the room they're currently in. It's been only minutes, but the need to ask questions is already overpowering her. Damn, she can't hold it in anymore.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" She asks, sitting on the stool beside Michael's bed. Fuck! Michael's eyes widen. When Marina sees the change in Michael's expression she knew she made a stupid move.

The events from earlier makes Michael's breath get caught in his throat. He suddenly sit straight up and grab the knife for the fruits from the table in between him and calum's bed, thinking that Marina might just be another traitor like Alex. He shoots a glare at her and dangerously point the knife at her.

"You're just like him aren't you?" He grits his teeth, furious.

"Wh-what?" Marina's smile turns to a frown. What is he saying? She tries to figure out who's the him michael is referring to, but it could be anyone. She looks at the blonde's cold stare and remains in her place, heart beating fast from the unexpected point of the knife.

"Who are you talking about, agent clifford? I-i don't quite understand, I'm sorry." She says, unsure.

But michael isn't having any of it. "Don't fuck around! I know you're another heartless traitor like Alex- just like everyone else!" Michael hollers, and before he can point the knife further, the door to their room opens, revealing their chief together with Agent Pete and Halsey. Pete's eyes widen upon seeing the scene playing in front of them.


"What the hell is going on?" Halsey asks as she runs to marina's side, glaring hard at Michael. "What are you doing, Clifford?!"

Marina deflects the knife that michael is pointing using her technique, and she takes note of how strong his grip on it is. He must be so mad, she thinks.

The blonde then rolls his eyes and scoots farther from all of them, his back touching the cold white wall of the room giving him shivers and making the hairs from the back of his neck rise. He almost wants to scream at all of them to leave and never show their faces again, but he knows he's better than that.

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