xxv. bulletproof

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Calum was the first to wake up the morning after he and michael's first romantic night together, and he couldn't help but stare at the galaxy-haired guy he's grown overly attached to during the summer. He just laid there in his arms, admiring his lover's sleeping face. He looks just like an angel in peace, giving you a surreal feeling as you stare and take all of him in, but by the time he opens his eyes it will be like entering a brand new world, a paradise where you'll get lost in as you look at a kaleidoscope of colors, a lightest shade of calming green mixed with other flecks of bright lines. The shade of his hair is just like what his eyes give you; a galaxy full of sparkling stars, enchanting you and pulling you in, taking your breath away. Calum can't help but be amazed at the fact that there is his world in front of him, sleeping soundly like the rest of the beautiful universe. Michael still hasn't woken up, yet calum's already breathless and hopelessly in love.

When he saw the ticking clock across his (or their) room, and finding out what time it was, he knew he needed to wake up the sleeping angel that god sent him. He smiled like a fool and poked his lover's nose, his cheek, his chest. It continued for a while since michael sleeps like a rock.

The older boy surfaced from his deep slumber, still feeling everything around him. His eyes were closed, and the darkness was about to swallow him again 'til he felt the light pokes coming from someone. He's figuring out whether he's dreaming again or not, but when he heard a giggle near his ear he slowly opened up his eyes and was met by a beautiful pair of brown eyes.

"Finally," calum giggled and pinched his chubby cheek with a gentle smile. "I thought you're gonna stay asleep forever like sleeping beauty."

Michael closed his eyes again but was smiling himself. He noticed that calum was encaged in his arms so he pulled him even closer to kiss the top of his head. "Good morning, sweet cheeks." He said in his deep, raspy morning voice.

Calum leaned in closer to him as well, cheeks already heating up. Michael is already his world and his galaxy, but apparently he can be his sun, too.

"Good morning, mikey. Did you sleep well?" He asked, tracing the tattoo on Michael's forearm that said To the Moon. He got it a month after the dreadful stadium event, as if saying that from then on, it will be calm and peaceful like the nights where the moon shines bright.

"Mhm. Specially because we were extra lovey dovey last night," michael chuckled and looked down at calum as he remembers how their last night went. He was still overwhelmed that calum loved him enough to let him prove his love to him, and to be honest nothing can ever compare to last night, ever.

Calum only stuck his tongue out at him, too shy to make a comment about it so he changed the subject instead. "You're going to be late for uni, let's get up."

"Ugh. What time is it?" Michael reluctantly let go of calum and rolled to his side, sitting up to go brush his teeth in the bathroom.

Calum sat up as well and went to the mirror to fix his appearance, "7:15. I'll prepare everyone's breakfast-" he stopped when he saw the hickeys decorating his tan neck like a masterpiece. He blushed at the memory of Michael sucking on his neck, giving him shivers and goosebumps. He can still feel those sinful lips on his skin, but he's never going to regret any of it. He absentmindedly ran his fingers to trace the marks of last night, until the sound of the faucet stopped and Michael went out of the bathroom.

He dropped his hands to his sides and raised an eyebrow at Michael's reflection in the mirror. "Shouldn't you be getting a shower too?"

"I forgot something," michael said, walking towards calum.

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