xxi. danger

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Never miss reading this! I hope this long, crazy chapter makes up for my absence.


It has been a few days of solid practice since Helena Skies' manager told them that their band is going to perform live for the first time ever since the hospital incident circulating around. The venue is located in the center stage of the town, wide open for public. This is what michael and the agents are concerned about. They all have the feeling that something is going to happen, because too much chase has been going on. Someone has to move or end this case one way or another.

And it has to be today.

It was five am in the early morning when michael started moving. Taking a hot shower, dressing up, fixing his bag, taking out his agent uniform, folding it in half and placing it inside his university bag. Today is a crucial day and Michael keeps on convincing himself that no one will get hurt tonight. Especially calum. He should not be harmed by anyone, he wouldn't let that happen.

He also thinks that Mali is now out of the case because their chief just confirmed that she is alive and was last seen in the Philippines. If she ever saw the health news about calum and his bandmates and turns up, the enemy might be able to kill two birds with one stone. And he should be there to prevent it.

But what if he isn't?

They all trained so hard for the past days in the shooting range and practice combat in the training grounds, he just hopes that it's more than enough to keep everyone safe.

His alarm clock starts ringing, snapping him out of his deep thoughts. He turns it off before heading down the stairs to cook some breakfast. When he reaches the kitchen, he's surprised to see a different looking one; much wider and more tools.

He's about to freak out when he remembered that they already moved to the agency's rest house. "Oh, yeah. Haha idiot." He mumbles to himself while checking the fridge to find something to cook. He opted for the typical breakfast; pancakes, cereals and fruits.

Half an hour later, michael is done cooking pancakes (each with a smiling face outline of chocolate syrup because he likes it like that.) He takes off the apron and wipes his hands before walking up the stairs to check on Mary. She should be up because there are two hours left for her to prepare. When he knocks and enters the room, he finds her still asleep, looking very peaceful and content.

A smile forms on his lips and his feet walk over to her giant bed to sit beside her. He just loves his little sister so much. He can't help but think, what if he dies tonight? Who will take care of Mary? He doesn't want to see Mary bawl her eyes out and struggle in life because of losing her whole family.

He stares at her little sister who's all grown up now. "You look so much like mom, you know.." He fixes some strand of Mary's hair gently. "You're beautiful, strong, and confident. You're just like her whenever she faces people. No sign of insecurity. You're tough and I'm so, so proud of you."

Michael starts tearing up now. "Ugh, fuck." He wipes it with his sleeve and looks up to the ceiling to stop his tears from falling. "A-and I'm so thankful that you never disobey what I say. I only want what's best for you and I hope that you'll never change. I promise I'll be here guiding you 'til my last breath, which is hopefully not tonight." He chuckles bitterly.

He reaches for Mary's hands and continue, "I'm fucking scared, Mary. I don't wanna lose you and calum yet. Our good life hasn't started yet and how I wish I'll be there to experience it with you two. I'm looking forward to many more fun and great memories with the ones we love, but I can't help but think, what if something happens?" He bites his lower lip, brand new tears forming in the sides of his eyes again.

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