new malum story

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Hello to those who still have this book in their libraries, i just want to give a massive thank you to all of you for spending your golden time reading this agent fic. This was boring at some point but I'm thankful to everyone who were able to finish this, who voted for this, who dropped comments and who loved it.

I do hope you will give it a try and support it like what you did here. It's already published. Thank you so much! ✨

mermaid!michael seaman!calum

"Was it all in my fantasy? Were you only imaginary?"

Calum didn't really believe in mermaids or mermen for the past twenty two years of his life. He just carried on day by day, relishing in the eternal silence of the sea, breathing alive.

That is until he met him.

And just when he thought he'd reached the bottom, he was drowning in him again.

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