xv. luke

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Michael and Calum's romantic moment ended too soon, when Mary shrieked downstairs and shouted, "Michael! Michael! Please come down, you've gotta see this! Hurry the fuck up!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

The blonde's eyes instantly widen. What is so serious that Mary had to swear? He immediately jumps off the bed and is about to sprint down to get to her sister, but not without calum. He back pedals and assists calum off the bed, taking him by the hand and together they run down the stairs to find Mary, who's at the living room. When they reach her, her face is beyond horrified. Then with her shaking hand she slowly points at the television, which was showing a video of the two going out of the hospital just like what happened this morning.

"Celebrity News!" A feature reporter announces, a big bright smile on her face as she stares at the screen. "Calum Hood, the bassist of the famous pop rock band Helena Skies, was spotted walking out of the medical hospital with a pale blonde guy earlier this morning!"

Michael and Calum only stares at the television, both surprised that the news spread so fast. Michael bites his lip, thinking that his feelings always get the best of him and puts him and his loved ones in trouble, like this celebrity gossip. Chief is going to be so mad at him. His mission is to make it as private as possible and accomplish it, but how is he going to make that happen when the media already got involved?

Calum, on the other hand, worries because going out of the hospital with a man will surely strike the curiosity of their fans, especially because he's openly gay. Along with Troye. He can already think of the questions their fans will most likely ask, such as "Are you hurt?", " Who did this to you? Is it the guy you were seen with? Who is he anyways?", "Is he your boyfriend? Is that why he fetched you in the hospital after getting discharged?" And the list goes on and on. He sighs and pulls his hand away from Michael's to tug at his curly, messy hair. He's had enough of his frustrating life. Can't he just have a straight whole week free of drama or gossip?

The TV graphics changes into a slideshow of photos, starting from when the exit door of the hospital opens, revealing them walking out, going to the parked car, opening their respective doors, up to its closing and then speeding off to their direction.

"Some fans who were strolling by near the area saw that they went out at around seven o'clock in the morning, then went inside a car going east. But the real question is, Who could this mistery guy be? Is he a relative of calum hood? A close friend? Fans on twitter said that he's definitely a new face. Why were they in the hospital in the first place? Did the band bassist get hurt?"

Calum scoffs at the lady reporting and nearly threw his socks at the TV due to his frustration. Of course, of course, the media will butt in on his life. How stupid of him to forget that.

Michael crosses his arms and waits for the reporter to finish, wanting to hear the rest of the gossip they've collected.

"An anonymous viewer sent us a message that he's positive the whole band was confined in the hospital since two days ago, except for calum who was discharged only earlier this morning with the mystery guy."

A picture of the message was shown on the screen, but the email and number was blurred for the sender's privacy. Mary jumps when calum, who's standing beside her growls in anger, his balled up fists shaking hard in his sides.

"I hate them." Calum practically seethes, venom dripping in his words. "I fucking hate them."

Michael slowly walks over to him and engulfs him in a hug. He rubs the kiwi's back up and down to calm him, "Your fans are only worried about your band, cal. They deserve the truth."

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