xiii. be mine

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Mary and Luke were disturbed when someone faintly knocked on the door. They both stare at each other, knowing that it's Michael and Calum. Mary sighs and stands up to go to the door. Michael has his own key, and the door isn't even locked, so what the hell is he doing?

"Mary, wait!" Luke whisper yells, frantically standing up. "That's Mike right?"

"Yeah, who else?"

"I-i have to go upstairs- I don't wanna be seen by him remember?" He gets his bag and forces himself to run upstairs fast.

"Be careful!" Mary warns when he sees Luke tripping up at the last step.

"Thanks!" He shouts before locking his door.

When he's finally out of sight, she hears laughing on the other side so she opens the door, a curious look on her face. "What the hell took you so-" she sucks in a breath.

Because right there stands calum hood.

"Hola!" The boy smiles at her, his eyes having that familiar twinkle in them in flecks of different shades of chocolate brown. Mary just stares at him, from his hair down to his converse shoes, and apparently it is a lot to take in.

Michael's laugh becomes two times louder upon seeing her sister wide eyed, jaw dropped, and frozen, because honestly, times like this are rare.

"L-look, hahaha at your f-face! Mary! Oh my god! This is priceless!" He continues laughing, holding on to the doorframe for his sanity. He knew this was gonna happen. He should've recorded a video footage or something, what is he even doing?

Calum, on the other hand smiles at her and untangles his arm from Michael's to wave at his little sister. "Uh, may I come in?"

Mary just blinks at him, still trying to process what is actually happening. Maybe she's dreaming after all, her touching Luke's face earlier is too good to be true, and now meeting calum hood? In their house? Ha. Okaaay.

It's taking too long and a fan might see calum in their blue neighborhood (yes I did, fight me) so Michael slaps her cheek playfully. "Snap out of it, kiddo," he chuckles and pushes calum past her and inside the house. Calum giggles and walks inside obediently.

"Holy shit," Mary rubs her slapped cheek while still holding the open door with her other hand, "please tell me I'm not dreaming! I must be outta my head or something! Oh god-"

"You're not!" Calum shouts in a playful tone from the living room, and that's when Mary squealed and shut the door.


One and a half hour later, the three are situated in the living room, Mary asking all the things she wanted to know about the band, the love of her life Troye, and how he got to know her brother Michael.

Calum takes a sip from his glass of orange juice, before smiling at Mary to answer. "Actually, it's a cliché meeting, right Mikey?" He looks at the blonde.

"Yeah, i agree." Michael chuckles and bites on his pizza. "But I'm not regretting any second of it!"

Calum couldn't help but feel giddy inside when he heard it, because Michael never talks about this types of things. And as far as he remember, their first meeting was pretty sweet, and he knows he doesn't regret it too. He blushes at the thought, god, what am i thinking? but he continues to answer. "He went to our fan meeting, similar to a few hours hangout with fans, and he was with his friends. He was so adorable back then, like a kitten so i went over to talk to him since he was just standing at the back, talking to his friend. We kind of clicked from them on so I decided to give him my number so that he can text me again and yeah, we became good friends." He smiles at the memory.

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