v. calum

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Michael is currently walking in the halls of the university he's studying in, earphones plugged in, hands tucked in and a poker face on display. He's on his lunch break for the day so he decides to take a turn to the exit of the university and get some lunch. But just before he takes a step inside Panda Express the song that's playing from his phone is replaced by his familiar loud fall out boy ringtone. He grumbles something along the lines of "oh god, not again." And lets the couple behind him enter the restaurant first.

"Hello?" He answers in quite an angry tone, taking a step beside the entrance door. The voice from the other line chuckles, and Michael's eyebrows furrow when he hears a girl's voice. He presses his phone harder to his ear. "Who's this?"

"It's Halsey. Where you at, Clifford?" She asks like they're long time friends.

He grips the loose strap of his backpack tighter, he knows it's gonna be about work again. Everything that bothers him and makes him move around is his stressful work. He looks around him and tries to find a girl with bright blue hair like the last time he saw her, but finds no one near him. "I'm in the university, why?"

Halsey suddenly laughs, sounding like she's making fun of him when there's nothing funny in particular. "No, you're not! You're at the entrance of Panda Express and about to have your lunch since you have your one hour and thirty minutes lunch break!" She says, making Michael purse his lips in a thin line.

"Ha ha ha, you're funny." He smiled fakely. "Where are you?" His tone suddenly becomes serious and it makes her stop laughing. She's currently sitting on a bench relaxing a little. She turns her cap around, making it a snapback, stomping on her half-finished cigarette before walking over to Michael. He immediately notices her figure and turns to her.

"You didn't have to follow me around." Michael hisses and rolls his eyes, very annoyed. Halsey finds it cute and mentally coos at his snappy attitude and short temper. But of course she's never going to say that.

"I wasn't, you feeler." She rolls her eyes as well and crosses her arms over her chest, staring blankly at Michael.

Michael starts to eye her up and down this time. He needs to know the littlest things and get along with the agents he's going to be working with. Halsey actually dyed her hair brown, the reason why he didn't find her right away, and she probably did it to avoid getting unnecessary attention too. He nods to himself and realizes that he's really hungry and that he shouldn't really pay attention to her and work with her since it's a school day.

"Stop checking me out, you're not my type." Halsey pushes him away and he almost falls back, not expecting it.

"The hell! I wasn't! I was wondering why you dyed your sky blue hair to a dark brown color. Tough work." He says in defense, internally hating her mouth which seems to tell a bunch of lies and made up accusations.

She shrugs then holds Michael's hands when she sees a familiar car arriving. "Doesn't matter. Come with me, Michael. You're in for a wonderful surprise." She says in a monotone and a poker face, making him question whether or not it's really wonderful.

"Aaaah! I'm so excited! I'm going to see the love of my life today!"

"I ditched classes just for this!"

"I definitely won't come home without a selfie with my beloved husband! Oh my god!"

Today is the day Helena Skies invited fifteen fans to hang out with them as a payback to their efforts on making the band famous. The winners were chosen by entering a contest of painting their favorite members and adding their own little twist in it. Their chief managed to talk to the band's management to get only ten and enter the six agents, including Michael, and was successful.

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