iv. heartbreak girl

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Luckily, Michael doesn't have a class the next day. He arrived back home at two in the morning and went back to sleep, but was woken up by Mary running up and down the stairs, late for class.

He reluctantly sits up and rubs his eyes. He looks around and finds out that it's seven thirty in the morning, and a text from Alex saying that he should start working his ass up. He sees his laptop on the nightstand and decides to start checking up on Calum Hood, with adorable sleepy eyes.

Search: Calum Hood

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Calum Hood

Calum Thomas Hood (born on January 25, 1996, age 19) or commonly known as Calum Hood, is the bassist and vocalist of the Australian pop rock band Helena Skies, together with Troye Sivan, Joshua Dun and Ryan Ross. He originally lives in Sydney, Australia and has a sibling named Mali-Koa Hood. His mother and father is Joy Hood and David Hood. He graduated in Norwest High School and formed the band in 2011. Their band is known for the song "Heartbreak Girl" and has won multiple awards for the track, including Song of the Summer award.

Band Members:

Troye Sivan
Troye Sivan is the lead vocalist of the band Helena Skies.

Calum Hood
Calum Hood is the bassist and vocalist of the band Helena Skies.

Ryan Ross
Ryan Ross is the electric guitarist and vocalist of the band Helena Skies.

Joshua Dun
Joshua Dun is the drummer of the band Helena Skies.

Official Accounts:

Band: @helenaskies
Personal: @calumgood

Band: @helskiofficial
Personal: @calumfood

Band: Helena Skies Official √
Personal: Calum Hood

Band: helenaskies

"Brother, have you seen my socks? The one with the polka dots?" Mary asks in a high-pitched voice when she passes by his door and sees him awake at such an ungodly hour.

"No, I didn't. You know I don't mess with your things!" He answers without glancing at her. His eyes are glued on the screen, busy logging on his personal social media accounts and following calum's and his band's official accounts. He also goes on YouTube and loads a live performance of their hit song "Heartbreak Girl".

Mary grunts and goes over to Michael's cabinet, opening the drawers one by one to check and probably borrow a pair, till she sees a familiar pink polka dot socks beneath his plain black ones. "Ugh, then what's the meaning of this Michael Gordon Clifford? You sock thief!"

She raises the pair of socks in the air and Michael finally looks at her, eyes widening at what she's holding. "What the hell?! I swear I didn't take it! I wouldn't even wear such a girly sock in the first place!" He defenses, terrified of the idea he knows is slowly forming on her sister's weird mind.

Mary wiggles her eyebrows at him, smirking devilishly. "Don't tell me you're a..."

"Oh my god, Jesus Christ, Mary, Holy Spirit! Don't even dare finish that sentence, you weirdo!" Michael grabs the pillow and throws it at her. Mary bursts into fits of laughter, forgetting the fact that she's gonna be late for class if she stays and tease her brother longer. She throws the pillow back to him, walking backwards to lean on the wall and continue laughing hard.

"Don't hide the gayness when it's there, bro!" She teases, emphasizing the word 'bro'. "I can't believe this! Im'ma go tell Luke! He'll surely hear about this, just you wait!" Then she laughs again.

He's about to answer with a witty come back when all of a sudden something plays from his laptop.

"You call me up! It's like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts. And that you'll never get over him getting over you!"

Michael looks at the video and Calum's focused on the screen, occasionally glancing at his fingers on the beautiful black bass guitar while singing the lyrics of the song. He's about to pause it and continue talking to his sister, but Mary shrieks upon hearing the familiar tune and runs to Michael's side with a freaked out face.

"Oh my god, oh my god! Helena Skies! Which performance is that? VMAs?" She rambles on and on, looking intently at the screen. Michael chuckles and places the laptop on her lap, moving aside to give her space in his bed.

"There's Troye's part! Oh, my poor heart!" Mary squeals in delight.

The video moves to face the guy with a plastic crown on his head, standing in the center of the stage, who he guesses is Troye, the lead vocalist since he gets to sing the catchy chorus part. Mary sings along rather loudly and even pretends that the pink polka dots socks she's holding are drumsticks.

"Hold you tight, straight to the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realize that I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?"

Calum finished the song with the last chord of his bass and raising it up in the air, the crowd going wild and shouting for more.

"You're a fan?" Michael asks her sister after the video ended. She nods and looks at him like she's offended to hear that from her own brother.

"Isn't it obvious? I sang every lyric in that song! I have their poster in my room! I have Troye's single album! I have Calum's nudes but you don't need to see that." Mary rolls her eyes.

"I'm not informed that I have a perverted sister! And why do you have his nudes?!"

"It's a fan girl's must have, fyi!" She sasses and draws a z in the air.

"Such a pathetic excuse from a pervert." Michael counters and receives a pinch on his arm in return.

"Ah! What was that for?!" He rubs his shoulders while glaring at Mary. "And how will I know that you're a real fan? What if that's their only song that you actually memorize?" He smirks.

She growls in anger and violently pulls at Michael's hair with her hands, back and forth and back and forth. "Say that one more time and I will not hesitate to pull all of your 220 remaining hair strands!"

"Aw aw aw!" Michael whines and takes the laptop away from her violent sister. He puts it back in the nightstand before stopping her sister's pulling hands and her ruthless plan. "No, don't! I'm going bald and you know it and you're late for class you evil little-!"

Mary gasps and immediately lets go of Michael, jumping off the bed and about to run out of her brother's room, but coming back to get the pink socks. "We're not over yet, twink!" She winks and dashes out before Michael throws her something again.

"Fuck you!" He shouted, not really meaning it literally. "Get lost in your bloody hell school!"

Mary's laughter shakes the whole apartment and is so loud it can be heard in their neighbor's house. Michael shakes his head but smiles at his sister's craziness.

"That kid." Michael mumbles, opening his laptop once again. "Oh well, back to work, agent."

Never underestimate a fangirl, Mikey! lol mary is us, yano it.

Okay malum didn't really meet in this chapter. I'm sorry about that. But I'm gonna start the next chapter with Michael in their management building so there's no room for excuse and delay and we can all be happy when twink meets punk lmao.

Shoutout to my rad friend @louislays because she's so grand omf.

Votes and comments please?

Malum trash,
Kate xx

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