xviii. ashton

445 27 13

Whatever the truth is behind the rolling stones article, they can all kiss my ass. I can continue my life with or without 5sos anyways.


"Let's go, boys." Their boss says, entering a big black sleek car that's parked in front of them. Two of the bodyguards enter the back seat with him, and a bulky driver starts the car, turning the key around to start the engine up. By now the club is a mess due to all the gun shooting, the stray bullets, and the blood stains from the second floor, but the group has already left and no one would know what truly happened.

"Come on, come on, hurry your asses up!" Ashton shouts at their co-agents that were just going out of the back door.

Luke jumped on the shotgun seat of ashton's mini van, followed by seven other guy agents. When they're all complete, ashton drove and they sped away from the back of the club.

"Damn, whose idea is it to leave? I was just about to have a good time with that asian chick!" A guy from the back seat, literally bathing in tattoos speaks up with a very annoyed expression. Ashton looks at the rear view mirror to glare at him.

"No one fucking cares, Oli. Shut the fucking fuck up."

"Ooh feisty, I like it, irwin."

"Piss off!" Then a chorus of laughter is heard. If Luke didn't have any problem with the guy sitting beside him, he would've laughed along. But the bitter truth is revealed and there's nothing he can do to change it.

So he keeps the sour face on as he thinks back to what happened before he went home early morning, weak and beaten up.


They were all in an exclusive party hosted by a drug lord, who was friends with their boss, in a place they all haven't been at before. Luke's trying to shake off his nerves at the moment, and he's managing to, somehow. He's glad he still has the tough appearance going on or else he'd be screwed up real bad. Everybody looked like they can fend for themselves when something blows up, and Luke can fend for himself too, but with a huge crowd like this, which he bets are composed of friendly groups who will help one another, he's sure his fear will get the best of him and he'll end up alone in the mess.

He looked distraught and uneasy in the middle of a crazy party and all he just wanted was to go home and lead his normal life. Damn, how did he end up here?

"You okay there, blondie?"

He looked up and saw Ashton, who was handing him a bottle of something with a dimpled smile on his face. Luke sighed, okay maybe he'll not end up alone after all, so he slowly grabbed the bottle and took a sip from it. The liquid was so strong that it made his throat burn, flooding his body like fire. He placed it down and coughed loudly.

"The fuck, man? What the hell was that?" He asked in between coughs.

Ashton giggled and shrugged, hazel eyes glinting every time the strobe lights hit them. "Not that much of a drinker then?"

"Absolutely not," Luke admitted without shame. He's never the one to drink anyways, his mum would beat him to a pulp once she finds out that Luke turned alcoholic once she let him live with michael in the apartment. She'd think that michael influenced her youngest son, since Michael does look like a reckless teenager at first impression, but he's not. Kind of. Haha.

He pressed his lips in a thin line, then examined the bottle of what he learned was pure vodka. Even though it made him cough earlier he didn't know what made him drink it again. This time he managed not to cough, though.

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