Chapter 1- Family Crisis

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Picture of Carina ^
Carina April Fanning, that's me. I'm the eldest child in the family, which clearly means I hold the responsibility of my three siblings: Lillian Jane Fanning, Brianna Elizabeth Fanning, and Tanner Chase Fanning. I live with my two parents, Hilary and Adrian. I have two best friends named Wren and Gunther. I identify myself as a extrovert, questionable girl who adores her family and friends. I live in London with my family, even though I'm from Canada.

My parents moved to England when I was 4, and was the only child. As a kid, I wasn't effected by the whole concept of moving, because I never had a friend, until I stumbled across Wren and Gunther. My parents were so delighted with the whole idea of having a child, so they decided to enlarge the family. And when I was at the age of six, my parents gave birth to two twins; Lillian and Brianna. And two years later, they gave birth to my baby brother, Tanner.

Now, as a 17-year-old, I suffer in the hellhole I call school, while my three siblings go through lower school. I look different, comparing to my other siblings; I have dark brown hair and jade green eyes, while the three have ash-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Boys label me as a 'helper' for homework, advice and all that.

My favorite band is Twenty One Pilots and One Republic. My favorite color is baby blue, and I really adore alpacas. I am really down to earth, based on how my piers define me. So here's how my 'lousy' high school year went...

I wore my navy-blue blouse with long sleeves, and my black skinny jeans. I straightened my brown hair, so it could avoid my hair getting frizzy, and getting damage. I placed beaded bracelets that were tinted baby blue, and added more to my wrist.

I ran down the stairs, and was greeted by Brianna with glassy eyes that were reddened. "What happened?" I asked, my voice laced in confusion. "D-Derek cheated on me, with Riley" she stammered, looking like she was struck with heartache and anger.

"Brianna, why must you need a boyfriend at such a young age? For gods sake, you're 11!" I exclaimed, truly gobsmacked over how much she's dedicated to achieving the teenage experience. "No one understands!" I thundered, and with that, she storms out of the dinner table. A sigh was pushed out from my lips, and crossed my arms.

Soon, Lillian came storming out from the outside, with Tanner, who looked elated, and was smiling brightly. "Hey guys!" I chirped at the two. "Hey" the two chorused, while Tanner extended his arms to reach for the cereal box. "Here, Tanner" I said, giving him the box of lucky charms. "Thanks" he mumbled pouring the cereal in the bowl.

I glanced down at my phone. 7:30. My heart was beating in a quick pace. "Gotta blast!" I exclaimed, and sling my school bag over my shoulders, and marched out of the door. I got into my car, and I played songs in my car radio, blasting Twenty One Pilots.

She's the tear in my heart,
I'm alive!
She's a tear in heart,
I'm on fire.
She's a tear in my heart, take me higher, then I've ever been!

I picked Wren use from his house, while his sister, Dani glared at him, while leaning on his door. "Yo Car-Car" he said, barging into my car. "Listening to Twenty One Pilots again, are we?" He teased. "Hey, they're a great band" I snapped, laughing lightly.

We entered our local coffee shop, because we despise Starbucks. I don't know, but people at our school seems to have an unhealthy habit of drinking over there. We ordered a large Latte cup, and we went to school.

"Wren, so how are things going between you and Sofie?" I questioned, wiggling my eyebrows. His cheeks soon was flushed with the color red, and blood rose from his cheeks. "Stop it, Carina" he gushed, placing his hands over his cheeks.

We entered school, and we stumbled across Gunther. We jumped into Gunter, and we broke up into laughs. "Hey guys!" He said in between laughs, "So, how was summer?" He asked. "I went to Venice with my family, and we stayed in a hotel. And boy, were there hot chicks" Wren said, overly-fantasizing over his craze about Italian ladies.

"Well, I went to Yorkshire to see Muse play live" Gunther said, drowning into a world of thoughts, were lies his favorite band. "It sucked because Louise was there" he groaned. Louise was Gunther's ex girlfriend. They parted because Gunther couldn't stand her whining and nagging over the smallest things.

"Bummer" mumbled Wren. "I went to Toronto to see my grandma" I announced. She was a nice lady, such a shame she died when we were two days in to the summer holidays. I only got to see her once. I frowned from the thought of it.

The bell rang, and we instantly jumped, as it was our reflex action during the passing years. "Carina, let's go to history" Gunther said, yanking my arm away, leading me to the class. The golden plate label above the door was engraved with Mr. Hastings' name on it. We sat in our normal place, where I sat beside Gunther.

"Alright, we'll be learning a new topic, class." He stated, turning on the projector.


"Man, school sucked" Wren huffed. "Yeah!" Gunther and I cheered. "I mean, who does Miss Smith thinks she is to move her fat ass into my life? I didn't do anything! She just put me into detention because I said the word 'bitch'? C'mon, I could've meant a female dog!" Whined Gunther. I giggled, and headed to my car.


I picked Brianna, Lillian and Tanner up, and I couldn't don't cope with all the whining and nagging in the car. "Guys, stop!" I cried in distress. "You're in my car, so you have to go under my rules: no nagging and whining!" I shouted.

"You're doing so right now" Tanner snorted. I shot him a glare, signaling him that he needs, and will be silenced.

We arrived back home, and from the brink of my eye, I caught sight of a piece of paper, which was smudged with pen writing.

Dear Carina, Lillian, Brianna and Tanner,

Mommy and daddy is really sorry for not being here. We're off to a business trip in Dubai for three weeks, and this was very urgent. Apologies for not telling you guys first. We hair didn't want to stress you guys out because of it.

Carina, I need you to take care of your siblings, and make sure all their homework is done before the due date. Please take care of your siblings, and make sure they maintain a healthy diet for the three weeks.

All is appreciated if you kids keep the place clean, or there will be some consequences. We're in a conference, and this is really important, and our jobs depend on it.

Love you lots,

Mom and Dad xx

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