Chapter 22- Star Wars

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One more damn day.

Throughout the morning, I jammed through Marina And The Diamonds and sipped jasmine Tea. At least get into the British culture, even though you'd be moving out in a few more days. Like rebellious students we are, we skipped school once again.

Lainey suggested that I should go to her house and party in her room like 'feminine trolls'. Lainey and I aren't self indulgent girls who rely on others opinions to feel good about ourselves to maintain happiness. We were just pure and careless.

I knocked on the door, and checked the address once again. Then, there revealed a lady in her mid-40s, giving me a warm smile. "Hello Mrs. Green, is Lainey here?" I asked her. "Yes dear, but you can call me Candace" she insisted warmly.

She gestured me into Lainey's room, and there stood Lainey flipping through the tv channels. Her room wasn't crap-tacular, but boy was it messy. She noticed my stare, and she instantly jumped. "Oi Car! Come 'ere!" She ordered. I sat on her grey bean bag and examined through her band posters. From Green Day to Motörhead to Slipknot to Pantera... Classy.

"Do you want to watch Gravity Falls or The Flash?" She asked. "Gravity Falls!" I screeched. "Shh!" Lainey hissed, in a joking fashion. "Gravity Falls it is.." She said, inserting her disk into the CD player,

After seven solid episodes, we rocked through Green Day's song, 'Amy'. It was fun enjoying some free time with Lainey for a change, it's like every time we're together, there would always be someone else with us.


"Uh, that was amazing" I purred, "You're like the best chef ever Mrs. Green" I complimented. Mrs. Green's cheeks burnt red, as she giggled. "Thank you dear, I'm flattered." She gushed. Man, Lainey is really lucky to have a mom who can bake damn good chocolate chip cookies. "Ew, mom!" Lainey spat.

"There's raisins on this one!" She cried. The three of us laughed in unison. "Yes dear, I'm one of a kind" said Mrs. Green.


The cost is clear, I told myself. Everyone's sound asleep, and it was now completely safe to sneak out. Even in my blue hoodie and grey sweatpants, I aced my outfit— not to brag. I caught sight of Denis' car, so I entered.

"Hey" he greeted. "Hi" I blushed. It was our plan to go to the cinema at ten o'clock. After minutes of arguing over what movie to watch, we ended up in the conclusion of watching Star Wars. Even though I was more into Star Trek, I couldn't stand his puppy eyes, so of coarse I'd let him!

"You look like Jar Jar Binks" I randomly said, making him playfully, yet lightly, swat my arm. "Well... You look like Chewbacca!" He cried childishly. I don't even get what they hype was all about, I mean, if Star Trek were to make a new episode, the huge wouldn't be as much. 

We entered the theatre and bought the couple set of popcorn and coke. We sat in the so-called honeymoon seat which was basically v.i.p seating. As the movie started, I tried not to give in to the desire of sleeping in.

I thought I closed my eyes for just seven minutes, but when I opened it, I ended up in the credit scene. Denis didn't seem to notice, since he was so stoked to see the movie and couldn't keep his eyes off of the screen.

"So, baby" I pecked his cheeks, making him smile. "How was the movie?" I asked him.

"It was amazing!" He cheered. Aw, my adorable, tall fanboy lover. "Noob" I joked. "But you love me" he lowered himself to hug me. "I love hugging shorter people because it reminds me of how tall I am" he chuckled. He planted a kiss on my neck. Which sort of ticked me. "I love you" the words slipped out from my mouth.

"I know" he cooed, stroking my hair. "Love, I advise you to comb your pretty hair" he joked. "I know you've been sleeping" he grinned. "Oh shut up" I hid my cheeks that were tinted pink.

I knew that what we had was real. I just felt it so strongly and I'd do whatever it takes to extend the relationship, even if it meant that I'd had to deal with partition. "We can do this, Den" I told him. "What?" He laughed.

"Be together, is what I meant" I said firmly. "Oh yes love, we can" he said. His lips brushed against mines. I can't believe we were still in this cinema still.

"Carina April Fanning, I can't wait for the day I'd get to marry you. Only you." He said sweetly. Tears brimmed my eyes. "Really? You'd really see us together like that?" I asked in pure zeal. "Of coarse" he gushed.

"We can have like two children and a cat— you and me, a whole family" he said. I couldn't help but hug him tightly. "Three more years Denis, and we could be like what you-- we want; a family" I said.

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