Chapter 4- Late Night Wonders

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After hours of goofing around, and bashing each other harshly with pillows, we just laid on the bed staring blankly into space. "You don't sound British" I pointed out, giggling. "Because I'm not, Einstein" he snorted.

"I'm from Ukraine" he stated, smearing a soft smile across his face. "And I'm from Canada" I said with pure zeal. "I think everyone knew that by now" he chuckled. "Anyways, why'd your parents decide to move here?" I questioned him, my voice laced with confusion. My feelings were so sudden; it was like I was anxious for him to provide information to me.

"No, I did" he corrected. I was stood there dumbfounded, until he explained shortly. "My parent aren't here with me, however, they're paying for my tuition and taxes and all that" he added. "I came here in England to pursue my dreams"

"That seems nice" I said with a smile, "What's your dream?" I asked him.

"Oh, I'm in a band, if you have heard"

"What band?"

"Asking Alexandria. They needed a new lead singer, so they asked me to" he explained.

"Wow, neat!" I exclaimed with pure zeal.

"I want to listen to some songs" I said. He stood there, but it didn't give him a nerve-wracking feeling at all whatsoever. He seemed to be neutral with the whole concept of me listening. I went to YouTube and played their song 'I Won't Give In'.

Every breath you take,
I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself
I won't give in

The song ended, and it left me gobsmacked and truly speechless. "Den" I gasped, "The song is great" I added, not being able to say anymore words. He chuckled lightly, "Thank you" he said softly. I wasn't into metal music with intense screaming, but that song was just great.

"Let me look at some of your CDs" he said. I nodded my head, and grabbed my box, where the piles of CDs were stacked. His eyes wandered around my collection, until he stumbled across The Breakfast Club. He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Really?!". I just looked at him dumbfounded. "Uh, yeah" I said. He laughed and fiddled with my hair. I raised my eyebrows up and just allowed him to continue fiddling with my hair. I began questioning whether I liked this man or not...


My head rested on his shoulder, as his hands wrapped around my waist while I watched Dan and Phil on YouTube. Darn, Dan and Phil are just adorable.

"You like these boys?" He asked me. "Yeah!" I chirped, "I have this biggest crush on Dan; I even met him once in London! He gives the best hugs" I fangirled over him. "No you can't! You love me!" He pretended to give me an offended face, and I chuckled.

"You don't give the best hugs, bro" I chuckled lightly. He raised his eyebrows cockily, and smirked. "Oh really?" He jumped into a tight hug. I was giggling, as his hands tickled me. "Oh god, Denis!" I exclaimed, while laughing.

"Den-Den, stop!" I cried, while the sensation made my heart flutter. He stopped, and smiled lightly at me. "Alright cupid, but don't call me 'Den-Den'" he chuckled.

I was going to click Phil's video, until a large advertisement banner read out 'Demi Lovato's British Tour'. "Den-Den!" I cried.

"Don't call me that!" He whined. "Okay" I muttered. "You want to win Harper back, right?" I questioned him. "Yes" he answered, swiftly.

"And you know she likes Demi Lovato, right?" I continued, trying to urge him into buying tickets to the show. "And what does this help with?" He questioned with a dumbfounded look. "Look, Den-De—"'

"Don't even finish that sentence" he snapped. "Alright!" I raised my hands in defense. "I want you, to take Harper to the Demi Lovato concert." I stated firmly, crossing my arms.

"No, I'm not into this pop crap music!" He nagged, pulling a frown. "Well, if you don't do so, I guess I can't help you with getting her back" I sassed, with my face morphed into a resting-bitch-face. It wasn't common for me to be a bitch, even though that wasn't necessary. Oh boy..

"Carina! Is there any way else?" He questioned me, craving for another way. "I am sorry, but that's my only option" a heavy sigh was pushed out from my lips.

"Alright!" He exclaimed, in defeat. I squealed, and clapped my hands in triumph. "I'm totally gonna get my reputation wrecked" he muttered. Suddenly, he planted a kiss on my cheeks.

"I'm only doing this for you, Cupid" he whispered against my ears. I felt uncomfortable, so I parted from him. "Let's go to sleep" I insisted. "I'm not sleepy yet" he teased, cockily. I rolled my eyes. "Well, close your eyes and you'll slowly drift away to sleepy-town, now get tucked in bed!" I exclaimed motherly.

"You're not gonna make me sleep that easily" he said huskily. "W-what?" I stammered, feeling clearly confused. "I'm saying, we should go downtown" he cut right to the chase. "We have school tomorrow!" I snapped. "Uh, I know" he said with a 'stating-the-obvious' tone. "What good does it even make?" I asked, feeling panicky.

"Having fun is the most important thing in life, dear" Denis stated. "Now, let's go!" He cheered, yanking my hands, forcefully gesturing me out.

It sure needs a lot of courage to break the curfew rules, and sneak out with some guy— especially those bad boys who are heavily tattooed and is a heavy metal/ heard rock enthusiast. This daunting feeling just needs to be embraced at least once in a life time.

I wasn't in my sleeping gown, so I just grabbed my hand bag, and set off with Denis. "Where are we heading to, particularly?" I asked him. He smirked, and spoke softly,

"I don't know Cupid, why don't you find out for yourself?"


My heart beat was felt from my chest, and the excitement raging within me felt eternal. I was truly elated to feel 'righteously bad' for once. We ran down the streets laughing with pure zeal like two idiots. We held each other's hands, while I felt sparks erupt in my stomach. I released a heavy sigh, and we stumbled across the woods.

The sky dimmed down, but my sight was still swell. "I've gotta say Denis, I had fun tonight" I confessed, while not being able to defeat the smile that smeared my face. "Oh, I figured out you would" he laughed lightly, scratching the back of his head.

"Lets try something cliche" he started, with a smile. "I'm down with it! Cliche stuff gives me joy" I squealed. "Alright" he said under his breath.

He pulled out a small dagger that had a black-leathered case with it, and carved our initials on the wooden surface of a tree.

Car-Car + Den-Den— it read out. My heart just freaking fluttered. "Aww!" I
Squealed, tackling the boy with a bone-crushing hug.

This night gave me happiness and excitement.

I wish it never lasted.

Cupid At Your Service- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now