Chapter 18- Torture Of Small Talk

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As I slung the house door open, I was greeted by my family members and my three best friends screaming "happy birthday!" At the top of their lungs. Confetti spilled out, and food was placed with effort on the dinner table. There stood my favorite type of cakes— velvet cake— on the dinner table. My mouth gaped in awe, and I clapped my hands in glee. "Thank you!" I cried out, tackling everyone into an embrace.

My mom smiled at me, and lot the candles that were piercing through the cake. Everyone chorused the song "happy birthday" and I smiled at them gratefully. When the singing ended, I blew lightly on the candles, granting a wish to myself. And what did I wish for? To find true love. As cliché as it sounds, love is what I longed for— for so many years. "What did you wish for?" Tanner asked me.

"I'm not gonna tell you, Tanner" I joked, causing him to grumble. "Can we eat the cake already? I'm starving!" Lillian whined. "Shut up, or you won't have any!" I snapped, causing my mom to send glares to me. We cut the cake, and I sat besides Lainey. "Mm, the cake is so good" I said, eating the cake. "Thanks, I made it myself" she boasted, smirking. My eyes widened. "Damn, Lainey-girl! You're the best!" I exclaimed, causing her to lightly giggle.

I can't believe I'm finally a legal adult. That means that I get pushed through less boundaries. I would finally be able to party, and have a job. But I wish I'm qualified to a decent well-paying job. I'm the youngest one in the squad, so that meant I was the baby of the group a few days ago. "Carina!" Wren chimed in.

"Your mom allowed us to take you to a club!" He added. "Coolness!" I squealed. "You're the best, Mrs. F!" Gunther said, laughing. My mom chuckled. "Thank you dear, I'm flattered" she remarked. Lainey gestured me into my bedroom, and she picked my outfit. I ended up with a blue strapless dress with small truffles above the hem of the dress. I felt comfortable, for once in my life.

She iced my hair into a clean bun, and urged me into wearing high heels, to make me feel tall for once. She applied mascara for me, and lip gloss coated my lips. "You look beautiful!" Lainey remarked. I pulled Lainey into a hug. "Thank you, Lainey-girl"'I giggled. I was so, so grateful.

"Let's go, Car-Car!" Lainey said, gripping my wrist, and dragging me to the car. Wren informed me that he'd be driving, and Gunther called for shotgun. Lainey and I sat at the back, while Gunther played I Write Sins Not Tragedies, by Panic! At The Disco.

It was a fun ride, we sang along to the words, and while it ended, we laughed. I glanced through the window, and saw the brick wall, where Denis and I drew graffiti over. My jaw dropped, and tears brimmed my eyes. Who am I kidding, I miss him!

The club was a few blocks away from it. But the encounter with Denis was still awkward. We entered the club, and we drank a couple of shots. Lainey dragged me in to the dance floor, and we were dancing like lunatics knew a thing or two about fun. Wren and Gunther soon joined in, and we all danced together with some club music.

I soon felt a sick feeling in my gut. I knew I shouldn't bail them out, after their kind deed of placing a lot of effort for me to have some fun after it was my first day of being a legal adult. But my subconscious told me that I have to make a move.

I ran in a quick pace to the brick wall, because all the organs in my body craved for it. I ran my finger through the the spray paint that dried up, and sighed. I miss him, I love him, I need him. "Hey" a voice said. I turned around to see him.

With a burst of courage, I just tackled him into a kiss. He parted and laughed awkwardly. "Hey.." His voice trailed off. "I missed you" I said sobbing into his chest. "I know, I know.." He cooed. "Don't cry love" he said, stroking my hair. "I love you" the words slipped out from his mouth. "I-I love you too" I replied firmly.

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