Chapter 10- True Friendship Is Tested

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I've decided that Carina will be portrayed by Lauren Layne.

Things are going weird between Denis and I. He seems to feel more comfortable to plant a kiss on me, and call me pet names. So that makes me question our relationship; are we friends or more?

I was dressed in my white blouse and black pencil skirt, with my hair tied into a side fish braid. I went down the stairs, and grabbed my school bag. The bad thing is, I have to be partnered up with Jace; despite the cruel deed he has done to me. It has never been my intention to be drugged my whole life.

I entered the car without the three, because their school announced that the children are getting a day out- such joy. As I drove past Wren's house, I got nostalgic all of a sudden. I was now on the verge of tears, because being a flimsy person as I am, I have a habit of crying.

I shoved in my blurryface CD, and mouthed the words to the song. However, Tyler Joseph can rap really fast, so I stop until his insane rapping skills kicks in. I cautiously drove to school, fearing I might crash into a small puppy or kitten walking across the streets; completely unaware of its surroundings.

I parked my car into the same spot of the car park, and locked my car. With the sleeves of my bag slung across my shoulders, I got going. "Carina!" A voice yelled out from a distance. I froze and I wasn't able to cope with hearing the voice of Jace. "W-What d-do you want?" I stammered.

His lower lip wobbled, as he approached me. "Carina, it's not what it sounds like" He said with his voice dry and raspy. "Go away from me!" I snapped, storming away from him. He yanked my hand vigorously pulling me back to him, leaving my face inches away from his.

"Cut the crap!" I cried out. "You drugged me, and tried to take advantage of me!" I thundered, making him flinch from my words. "Whore" he spat, shoving me harshly away from him. Tears clouded my eyes, making my vision blurry. I bit my lip, and walked to the corridor, with my head-hung-low.

I walked up to my locker, and was greeted by Wren having a heated argument with his 'so-called' girlfriend, Dakota. "You did what?" Wren asked angrily. "I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing" exclaimed Dakota, with her voice cracking. "I can't believe you'd whore around boys and have intercourse with one that is down for it! We're over!" Wren shouted, causing Dakota to whimper.

You're such a good friend for eavesdropping, Carina.

"Hey" I greeted Wren awkwardly. "Hi" he muttered under his breath. His face was tinted red, which signifies his anger. I've been his friend for ten years, of coarse I know. "How are you?" I asked him. "I've been doing swell. Really swell" he remarked sarcastically. "I'm sorry for that, Wren" I said. patting his back reassuringly. "It's best if we part" he sighed, fiddling with his fingers.

"I-I just can't believe she had sex with some random prick in a party" He whined, infuriated after the encounter with her. "Yeah, I kind of figured" I mumbled. "You- What?" He shouted in disbelief. "Wren, I'm sorry for not telling you that, you know I am your friend, but-" I was interrupted by Wren.

"You still have the decency call me your friend after you've completely left me alone?" He shouted with anger raging in his voice. "Stop saying that! You were the one who left me!" I barked. He starred at me blankly, his face still reddened. "Never talk to me again" he growled, walking away from him.

I felt shattered inside. After 10 strong years of our friendship, it was tamed. I held back the outburst of tears I was going to release, and I sighed heavily. I walked to the car park, and my eyes caught sight of Denis. I ran into him, and hugged him tightly. I felt all my doubts and fears slowly drain away when I'm in his arms. I felt all my demons silenced when I'm wrapped around his arms.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "Wren said that he doesn't want to talk to me again, and Jace called me a whore" I choked out, feeling my lungs ache. "It's okay" he cooed, resting his chin on top of my head. He smelt of cigarettes and Axe deodorant. I personally didn't mind because his solace kept me strong.

"You're not a whore, and only an idiot doesn't want to talk to you, because you're the most stunning person I've ever met." And with that, he pressed his lips against mines, while we're still hugging. "Thank you" I said. With a burst of courage, I pecked his cheek, earning a smile from him. I've never seen a soft spot of him until now.

"What are we?" I blurted out. "Hmm?" He hummed, looking at me, raising a brow. "You keep on kissing me, is that some joke?" I asked, feeling a burning sensation in my throat once again. "Of course not!" He exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"I just think you're very beautiful"

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