Chapter 16- Birthday Eve

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There's this thing trending on Twitter called #darper which is, stating the obvious, a ship name of Denis and Harper. How magical. It sickened me for a while, but I just felt neutral in the following two more days. The best thing about this week is, my friendship grew stronger between Gunther, Wren, Lainey and I.

Two more days till the holidays! Such joy! I stood in front of the school with Wren, as we glanced at each other with concern in our eyes. "You'll be okay, just walk casually" he assured, as I nodded my head. From the corner of my eye, Denis and Harper made out, and their kiss lingered for a while. I instantly flinched, and Wren eyed my worriedly. "He's an ass. Leave him alone, you'll be okay" he said reassuringly.

The instant sting I felt on my chest, was unbearable. I laughed it off, and made my way to Gunther. "Hey Gunther" I greeted, with a small smile. "Hey, Carina" he chirped, looking oddly happy. "What's up?" I asked him, nudging his shoulders softly.

"Have you ever got that feeling where you have everything? Perfect friends, perfect family, perfect life? I'm feeling so blessed, being a die-hard christian I am" he sighed, in pure zeal. "Yeah" I muttered. "Gunth, as you know, my birthday is coming up! It's like April!" I exclaimed at him.

"How on earth would I ever forget my best friend's birthday is coming in three more days?" He questioned loudly. "Well, it's actually four" I corrected, "But never mind" I said.

"Don't forget the tradition we made up for literally ten years! Birthday-Eve!" He whined. I snapped my head up. "Oh my gosh, yes!" I squealed, clapping my hands.

Gunther, Wren and I made up this celebration ten years ago, called the 'birthday-eve' where it's some way similar to Christmas Eve, but for our birthdays. The best friend group gets a day out of school, and goes to do anything the birthday boy/girl wants.

Since Twenty One Pilots are coming to London in the perfect timing, I wanted to celebrate my Birthday- Eve there. "Gunther, please take me to the Twenty One Pilots concert!" I practically begged him, ju pinup and down like a needy kid.

He pulled out four tickets out from his jeans, making my eyes enlarged. "Oh my god!!! Oh my god!!!" I was hyperventilating, and I was just struck in awe and excitement. "Congrats! You, Lainey, Wren and I are going to Twenty One Pilots's concert!" He exclaimed, as I tackled him into a hug.

-- Fast forward to 'Birthday-Eve' --

Wren, Lainey, Gunther and I waited impatiently, as the stacked amount of people lined up, babbling away. "They say stay in your lane boy, lane boy, we go where we want to!" The four of us chorused, while giggling. "I can't wait for the show to start! I can't believe that Gunther bought us all backstage passes!" Lainey exclaimed. Is three hugged Gunther, and Wren planted a kiss on Gunther's cheek.

"Carina" says a voice sternly. I turned around to see Denis. My jaw dropped, and I was now on the verge of tears. "Can you please go away? You're kind of ruining a fraction of my time" I snapped. "Carina, wait—"

"You left me for Harper! If she's so darn perfect, why don't you just go away and leave me alone!" I cried, clearly infuriated. He nodded his head, and silently walked away. "Carina, I think you should hear him out" Gunther said with a frown. "Are you hearing yourself Gunth? That boy is an ass!" Wren yelled. Lainey nodded her head in agreement.

The line shortened, and we handed the security our ID cards and our tickets. "You guys are free to enter, have a good night!" He exclaimed. "Thanks!" We replied in unison. We were able to get into backstage, and we waited there, with our adrenaline raging in our veins.

My favorite album from them was Vessel, but boy, all their albums were perfect. I saw a boy with an alarming shade of red in his hair, and red makeup caking his eyes. I was panicking. There stood Josh Dun in front of me. "Hey guys!" Josh said, waving at us in glee. "Hi!" The squad chorused. "I'm Josh, and you guys are?"

"I'm Lainey, these guys are my friends; Wren, Gunther and Carina." Lainey introduced, while smiling awkwardly. "Its nice to meet you guys!" He chirped, as Wren walked up to Josh and gave him a hug. Josh hugged him back, and giggled. "Well, I'll see you guys after the show. I'd really love to hang out with you, but we have sound-check" he said. "Bye Josh!" We exclaimed. He waved at us, and rushed hurriedly to the stage,

"I hugged Josh Dun! I'm so 'Dun' with being straight! 10/10 would go gay for him!" Wren hyperventilated. We laughed lightly, as we listened to Tyler Joseph strumming his ukulele to the microphone.


The concert ended, and it was glorious. Tyler was so amazing singing and letting the crowd to sing along to the words. Sometimes, Tyler would turn around to us and wave at us. It was amazing. Josh and Tyler came up to us, breathing heavily. Sweat coated their bodies, and they smiled at us.

We got group photos with them, and also personal photos with them. Both Tyler and Josh sighed my poster of them, and the four of us bought some Merchandise from the show. I ended up with four wrist bands and two shirts

"Carina, I must confess you something" Gunther said, guilt flooding his face. "Sure, Gunth" I said, gesturing him to my car.

"I didn't buy the tickets" he stammered, breathing unevenly. Wait, did he buy a fake one?! "T-then who did" I stuttered. "Denis did! Gosh, I feel so bad! He felt bad that he cheated on you and he bought that for the four of us! He said he wanted you to be happy, even if you hated his guts!" Gunther exclaimed, and his words rung into my ears.


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