Chapter 3- Thinking Out Loud Is My Worst Habit

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I scrolled through her Facebook feed. Maybe looking through her traits might help Denis win her back. I stumbled across one feed, but the light from the laptop screen was beyond bright, causing me to wince my eyes.

My body was draped across a blanket, and there was no light traveling through my bed, except for my laptop. I clinched on her liked pages, to see if she likes any bands, cosmetic products, clothing, or TV show.

• Scream Queens             •Taylor Swift              •Louis Vuitton             •Jennifer Lawrence   •Mean Girls                      •J-14 magazine          •Tove Lo                       • Cat Pictures Daily
• Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

I scribbled down some of the things she liked, and glued the back of the paper, and sealed it on another layer of paper. She seems to wear a lot of Uggs and warm-looking knitted sweaters as well. She likes to tie her auburn hair into a bun, and she likes to drink Starbucks, and her Penny Board.

She gets all the elements of being the basic girl. Mean, but honest. I scrolled through her feeds, and I saw one of her pictures of her pressing her lips against her boyfriend. I read the caption as well. "I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna loose you/ I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye ❤️"

I snorted, and rolled my eyes. There was over a hundred likes for that, and I read through the comments.

Alex Black: Wait, you're with Ken?! What ever happened to you and Den?

Harper Collins: We broke up :')

Alex Black: Aww, I'm so sorry! At least you're happier with him!

Harper Collins: Thanks love <3 I am out of his league anyways <3

Amie Wayne: Damn, Harp!

I just slammed my laptop closed, and sealed my eyelids shut, and slept.


"Denis, I've got some stuff, about what she likes" I informed, extending my arms towards him. He took it off me gently, and his eyes wandered around the sheet paper. "Dear, your handwriting is too cursive" he said in between chuckles.

"Is not!" I scoffed. He handed it back to me, a soft smile smeared his face. "So, what am I gonna do with this?" He questioned me, his voice laced in confusion. "Uh," I hesitated, "Try talking about it to your piers, and make Harper notice?" I advised.

"Try talking to her about it" I insisted. I checked my surroundings, and I caught sight of Gunther. I shoved the paper to his hand, and sprinted.

"Hey!" He called out. I turned my head straight back at him, smiling awkwardly. "Yeah?" He had a small smile pressed on his face. "Thank you, Carina" he said. I nodded my head and lightly chuckled. "Welcome!" I called out while sprinting.

I dashed to tackle Gunther into a tight hug. "Gunny-Gun!" I squealed, jumping onto him. "Hey!" He piped up, his face lighting up. "Where were you yesterday?" I asked him. "I called in sick" he said in a stating-the-obvious tone.

My hands lowered, to clutch on my waist. Pain was circulating there. I winced from the pain, and just walked slowly, while my hands grip on my waist.

Pain, pain, go away— come back here another day
Carina went to school, and felt waist pain and couldn't even walk in the morning

"You alright?" Gunther asked, his voice laced with concern. "No" the word was pushed out from my lips, and I held in back an outbreak of laughter. His face tensed up, while he examines my body. I couldn't resist the temptation, so I just let out my laugh.

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