Chapter 20

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After the talk, the four of us headed back to my house, and I only managed to fit only Lainey and I in my bed. Wren and Gunther slept in he guest room, while Lainey and I watched Perks Of Being A Wallflower. The thoughts of how many new experiences I got from high school paced around my mind.

The ending came, and there stood Charlie at the back off the car, and Lainey stood there, on the verge of tears. "Carina, three more days, I can't believe it!" She gushed, sobbing onto my shoulder. My shirt was now clogged with her tears. "Shh- Lainey.."'I cooed, "Don't worry about it! You'll be fine!" I exclaimed. "I swear, we'll meet again" I told her. She looked up at me and nodded her head.

She sniffed lightly, and rubbed her eyes. "S-sorry for ruining your shirt, Carina" she stammered. "It's okay" I sighed, softly. As she slept on the right side, I stood there, on the left. I decided to text Den.

Carina: I miss you :((

Denis: Carina April Fanning! I miss you too!

Carina: I can't believe I'm going to Canada...

Denis: I know, I know... Just picture this— you and I will both be happy, just not with each other.

Carina: You're making me feel worse

I felt my chest sting. That really hurt. Three more days to finally consider myself 'free from high school'. It was really emotional for me, because it felt like I was abandoning all my glorious memories in a city I will never forget— London.

Carina: I love you, you know that right?

Denis: Of course, and I love you too

"Let's make high school a great ending" Lainey managed to say, pushing me off my bed. I laughed lightly. "Sure, Lainey" I giggled. "Go downstairs" Lainey ordered. "No, why?" I asked her. "Just! Just do it" she grumbled, pointing at my door. I sighed.

As I tip toed my way down the stairs, and felt like I should be screaming at the top of my lungs. There stood Denis smiling. "What are you doing here?" I squirmed. "I'm here to stab you to death and sacrifice you to the human sacrifice cult I just joined" he grinned.

My eyes enlarged. "Whoa, calm down" I laughed. "I'm just kidding! I'm here to make the best out of this high school year" Denis said, messing with my hair. I grumbled, and fixed my hair. I pushed my toes up to peck his lips swiftly.

"That's sweet love, but I could do more" he smirked, pushing himself on me and smashing his lips against mine's. I heard a cough from the distance, and I looked up to see Lainey. "*Coughs* PDA *coughs*" does Lainey as she killed the romantic vibe.

I'm in my pajamas, and so is Denis. "I like your Cupid pajamas" he pointed out. It was printed with small cupids aiming an arrow at something— a repeat over design. "I like your Batman ones too" I giggled. He was so darn cute, everyone could agree with that.

"So what do you say, Carina? Will you do the honors of running like wild idiots with me in pajamas down the street?" He asked. "Sure thing, Batman" I laughed, pecking his cheek, causing him to blush.

He motioned me into his car, and he opened the door for me. "What a gentleman" I piped. He shut the door, and joined in. He turned on Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots for me. "You're the best boyfriend ever!" I cheered. He chuckled, and started his car.

We drove off to a cd store, for some reason. People exchanged looks at us for being all lovestruck and quirky— as if we were drunk and happy. Which I'd like to be. "Den, what are we doing here in the cd store?" I whisper-shouted.

"But some CDs maybe?" He rolled his eyes. I felt dumb in that moment. "What do you say we watch Bob The Builder?" He suggested. Little Denis, wanting to relive his childhood moments. We were at the kid's section. "What about Hercules?" I asked him. "Yep! And one last one!" He exclaimed. "Your pick!" I told him.

"Alright, we'll just head to the porno section" he winked. I playfully swatted his chest. "Alright! Alright" he laughed. "I want to watch Finding Nemo" he announced. "sounds good to me" I grinned. We checked out the CDs, and headed to a candy store.

We got out three chocolate bars and four bags of skittles. "The movie night is going to be happening, and so long it's coming out pretty well. We got back to my house, and I heard loud thuds from Denis's footsteps. I hissed him, insisting him that he was being too loud. "Sorry" he mouthed.

We entered the bedroom, and saw Lainey whimpering underneath my bedsheets. "Lainey!" I called out, hugging her from on top of the fabric. "I-I just can't let everyone I care about slip away from me" she said in between sobs. Denis joined my hug.

"You know, not everyone would not try to keep in contact with you! There would always be someone, somewhere" he cooed. I flashed him a smirk. Song referencing at its finest.

She slowly lofted her face out from the sheets, to make me catch a quick glimpse of her puffy eyes. "If you put it in that way, I guess so" she enlightened.

I stood there in the middle of Lainey and Denis, as they all snuggled into me. That felt heartwarming, as we made an argue net over what movie we'd watch first. We decided to watch Hercules. Denis always interrupted those cute, romantic scenes by kissing y lips and cheek, making Lainey rant over how tremendous it was to witness PDA and being like the third wheel.

"Well Lainey, if Ben was over you'd literally have sex while thirty minutes in Hercules-and-chill" Den teased, making her scoff. I high-forged Denis while we bother laughed.

"Not funny at all!" She whined.

It was a great night, spending with one of my best friends, and my boyfriend.

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