Chapter 21- Denial, Denial, Denial!

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Two more days...

I packed my bags and received so many mails from so many people, congratulating me two days early. Yeah, things are going really swell, I suppose. Denis and I are spending time more frequently with each other, and the four best friends have never been stronger together.

The countdown strikes, and the shorter the time, the closer I am to Lainey, Wren, Gunther and Denis. I was now tapping on Denis' apartment room, and I could hear some music passing through from the thin walls.

I bit my inner cheek, and sighed. It was hot and humid. I can't even function being trapped in a hot place. The door creaked open, and James peaked through the crack. "Oh, hey" he greeted, with his thick accent. "Hi James" I greeted, smiling.

"Denis!" He screamed through the music. "Your girlfriend's here!" I blushed heavily afterwards. He ran up to me, and we just hugged. "Oh my god, I'm so glad you made it here." He gushed, squeezing my frail body. I giggled, and he gestured me inside.

I sat down on his couch, while the smell of cigarettes filled the room which made me flinch. He knew how much I hated the smell of cigarettes, so he sprayed orange scented air freshener. I sighed in relief, and mouthed "thank you" to him. He nodded, and smiled softly to me.

I jumped after my boyfriend's band mate sat besides me on the sofa. "Hey" he greeted. "Hi— Cameron?" I greeted, ending it with a questioning tone. He chuckled.

"Damn right!"

"Are you and him still together?" Cameron asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes we are, why'd you ask that?" I questioned the man. "Don't be too offended about this, but having a relationship in high school isn't gonna workout! Especially if he's in a touring band! It's not called a relationship love, it's more of a relation— shit!" He exclaimed.

With my mouth gaped, I tried to not let what he said sink into me. "You don't know that!" I shouted at him. "Love, Ben had just broken up with his', so did James and Sam. Your boyfriend's literally the only one lovestruck and too blinded to understand" Cameron snorted.

My throat burned, and tears glossed my eyes. "Uh— excuse me" I said, avoiding all eye contact, and heading towards the bathroom. The boys were too stoked to notice me being all emotional. I locked the door, and feel the streams of tear fall from my eyes.

I sniffled, and pulled out some tissue and dabbed it onto my eyes. My eye makeup dissolved into the tears, blackening them. Note to self: always use waterproof mascara, because you'll never know when it's necessary. I sighed, and told myself to keep it together— at least until the party ends.

There was a tap on the door, so I instantly unlocked the door. I created it open to see Denis. "I know what you were doing down here" he frowned. "Carina, why were you crying?" He asked in full concern. "Oh— nothing" I covered it up with a smile.

"Love, you suck at acting. Did you ever think drama classes were necessary?" He savagely remarked. I scoffed. "Don't be shy to tell me what's wrong, okay?" He asked lovingly. I glanced up at him and nodded. Even though my eyes had dried up, I felt like crying on the inside. "Cameron approached me today, and—"

"That little bastard hurt you, didn't he? I swear to god, that egotistic moron will get a punch in the teeth..."

"No! Nothing like that!" I exclaimed. The truth was hard to swallow though. You can't really blame Cameron for telling the truth that we all tried to deny was true. It's like being mad at someone from unraveling the truth that everyone urged themselves from thinking was wrong.

"He said you and I would never last..." I said softly. He looked shocked. "Den, you're in this touring metal band, while I'm just— Carina. We're just going separate paths and trying so hard to keep us together. It's useless." I sighed, feeling like I've let out all my concerns from my chest.

He looked hurt. Taken back, I frowned. "Denis, I'm sorry for—"

"No!" He snapped harshly. "Why can't you try to picture it from my perspective?" He said in frustration. "We can go through this together. All we need is faith, alright?" He asked. Denis was true— he was really committed into extending this relationship.

"I, in all honesty can picture you and I together, happily. I can picture us with a family, and I can certainly picture us in love" he added lovingly. I felt my heart throb. Our lips connected as I smile through our kiss.

"Screw Cameron, he's just jealous" he laughed.

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