Chapter 19

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Exam week had passed, and boy was it ludicrous. I spent restless nights reading my textbooks. Since Lainey is in a different school than us, she can't relate to our rants. We partied in a club, as a celebration to us, for being able to go through the horrendous week.

Denis and I are together— again. Harper doesn't intrude and disturb me anymore, and her sister doesn't comment rude things to my sister. Things are going so well for me; I feel really blessed. It was a Saturday night and I was starring into space shine landing my body flat on my bed. "Carina" my mom barges into my room, causing me to jump.

"Yeah?" I glanced over at her. "Carina, I've made dinner" she said softly. "I also invited your friends" she announced. My head perked up. "Really? Who?" I questioned my mother. "Wren, Gunther and Lainey" she answered firmly, wearing a smile. I sighed. "Okay" I muttered.

I ran down the stairs, just to be greeted by the food's aroma. It smelt of fish. "Mom, are you sure they're coming?" I asked, as I yawned. "Yes, I am sure" she said. "At least they said they're are" she muttered, dabbing some oil on the fish that was burning in the pan.

Moments later, the loud thud entered my ears as the trio barged out from the door. "Carina! We bought you some candies!" Lainey yelled from a distance. "Thank you!" I exclaimed, placing some dishes on the dinner table.

"Something smells good. What's that?" Gunther chimed in resting his chin on my shoulder. I laughed, brushing myself away from him. "Fish and chips" I answered him. "Haha, you getting the British vibe?" Laughed Wren. "Of course, I've lived here for so long" I replied. We sat down, having a causal conversation.

Mom left the room to trim the grass. She offered Gunther,Wren and Lainey to sleep over at our place, and they decided to do so. Even though they didn't bring clothes and boxers. "I can't believe high school is almost over" Gunther broke the silence.

Gunther was always the funny one who was funny and brought joy to everyone. It was hard to believe that he'd say such a thing that would make people feel down. "I know" Wren breathed out, frowning. "Then, let's make the best of it!" Lainey cheered.

"Yeah!" We all chorused. "After high school, we'll all go our own way and leave each other behind" I said, with tears brimming my eyes. I've finally got accepted to Westwood College in Toronto. I wasn't hesitant at all when I asked to enter the college.

I never knew that the Lang of hurt in my chest would hit me like a pickup truck running over a roadkill. Wren sighed. "Carina, don't say that! We could do a group chat in Skype!" He said, enlightening all of our moods.

"Carina's gonna head off to Canada, Lainey is off to Oxford, I'm  going to a college in Yorkshire, and Wren is heading off to Australia" Gunther managed to say. "I j-just never knew how much London ever meant to me" I said, brushing off the tears that slid down my cheeks.

"Carina don't cry. We'll all be okay, isn't that what you want?" Lainey asked. I nodded my head. "Thanks Lainey" I mumbled under my breath.

Lainey was like the mother of the group— she was so protective amongst us, and wouldn't let anyone break our hearts because she'd break their wrists. Wren was the logical one that was factual and clever. Gunther was the funny one that could make us burst a chuckle. And me? Well, it's all about perspective. I viewed myself as the one hod get easily lovestruck.

We finished our food, and all said the food tasted bland. We headed off the the empty streets. "Carina" Lainey turned around the face me. "We're heading off to the pub, we saw Denis" she added. I nodded my head, and got a piggyback ride from Lainey.

Denis caught sight of me and his face lightened up. I ran up to him, and smashed my lips against his'. "Hi" I squirmed. "Hey" he greeted. He joined us besides the stool. "So Denis, what are your plans after high school?" Lainey questioned him.

"I don't know really" he laughed. I glanced over at him, and I saw that he had a new tattoo. "You have a tattoo?" I gasped. "Yes" he rolled his eyes, chuckling.

The song 'Lose Myself' by One Republic played, which caused me to squealed. "Let me guess, your favorite band's song?" Said Wren sarcastically. "One Republic. Of course it is. I know my girlfriend very well" Den winked at me, causing me to blush.

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