Chapter 14

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"Truth or dare" Lainey started, making me groan. "Why?" I whined, feeling annoyed. "Just do it!" Lainey exclaimed. "Truth" I mumbled under my breath. "I dare you to tell me who your crush is!" Lainey squealed, like some wonderstruck kid.

My cheeks were tinted red; I was so hesitant to answer her. "Denis" I said, making her release and outbreak of laughs. "Oh my god! I knew it! I knew it!" Lainey exclaimed, smiling in victory. "And now you have to tell me your crush" I snapped.

"What? I-it doesn't work that w-way" she stammered, with her mouth gaped. "No!" I exclaimed stubbornly. "Tell me right now!" I thundered.


"Lainey-girl, spill!"

"Fine...... It's Ben"


"Do you want to go on an actual date sometime?" Denis asked me, flinching from what he said. "Yeah, sure" I answered firmly. His face enlightened after my answer. "Coolness. Where?" He asked me. "Take me to Narnia" I sarcastically remarked. He rolled his eyes and pouted. "I'm serious" he said, plainly.

"Park!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands in glee. "Oh, alright" he said softly. "Now?" He asked. "Yeah" I said, running away with him.

The trees were stood up high, while the birds chirped, serenading the people who rested beneath the shades. Den and I bought Popsicles and we listened to music, with the same earphones that was connected to his phone.

We were listening to 'Lech' by Slipknot and boy, was it intense. It managed to morph a person's mood into something else, terrifyingly different. I sighed heavily, while my body was pressed on the blanket of grass. We stood there like two wonderstruck teens who was lost on nature's beauty.

"Cari, what is your dream job?" He questioned me. "I always wanted to raise three kids up, because it's always remind me of dealing with my three siblings, while working for a good wage" I confessed, laughing lightly. "I think we could manage that" he laughed, planting a kiss on my cheeks. Wait, does he mean that he'd want to raise up three kids? I hesitated. "I'd actually want to be a designer or an artist" I said, smiling.

"I just want to continue what I'm doing" he said. Of coarse, this metal life suited him, and it didn't do so to many other people. I nodded my head, and pursed my lips. "Asking Alexandria seems to have a large fanbase on the media" I said with a laugh. "Yeah, they're the best." He said, smiling.

"Have you ever been on a date before?" Denis asked me. "Yeah," I said, "Three, to be exact. They all turned out to be phonies who don't know anything about my likes" I chuckled.


I entered school, and I turned my head around to see Harper who sent me a smile. "Car, come 'ere" she motioned me beside her. Unwarily, I approached her. "Hello?" The tone in my voice sounded questionable. "I just want you to know that I want him back, and I won't play nice" she said, smiling. My mouth gaped, as I scoffed.

"You were the one with Jace!" I cried, "And, you don't own him! Denis is a person, not a property!" I snapped. "I get what I want, friendless loner!" She spat, shoving me away from her path. I was on the verge of tears, and I just felt like crap, from what she said.

Her word stun in me, and I just laughed it off, not being able to avoid the tension. I was walking, and I caught sight of Denis. "Love, what's wrong?" He asked, sounding panicky. "It's nothing" I flashed him a smile. He poked his bottom lip out.

"Stop with the crap" he growled. "Fine" I sighed in defeat. "I didn't ace a test." I lied, faking a frown. "Psh" he snorted, walking away rom me. "Jerk" I muttered under my breath.


As I doodled a small cloud on the bottom of my textbook, the sound of the door banging harshly on my door entered my ear. I saw Brianna and Tanner in tears, as they sobbed on me. "What happened?" I asked them.

"We can't find Lillian" they said, breathing unevenly. I couldn't help but laugh. "She's at Uma's house for a sleepover" I informed. They sighed in relief, and walked away. My Facebook notification alarmed me, so I clicked on it.

Harper Collins: Your boyfriend wrapped around my fingers. Just what a pair of these breasts can help you win! A boy from a cheap whore ^^

There was a picture of her kissing Denis.

Harper Collins: The thing is, he needs a woman that will actually please him, not some flimsy pig! Snort snort! 🐽

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