Chapter 13

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Song for the chapter: Alone Together by Fall Out Boy... 😏

Lainey and I had a sleepover, and bog was it fun. We go to different schools which was a challenge to me, because that meant I wouldn't be able to see her around at school. Our alarm clock rang, causing me to groan. I lifted my head up, and noticed she was gone.

I sighed, and felt the cold air embrace my body. It was cold, oddly cold. I hopped into the shower, and rinsed my skin with some soap, and dressed up in my Twenty One Pilots shirt, and skinny jeans. I ran down the stairs, just in time to see my mother complaining with my dad.

"You did what?!" My mother practically shouted, with tears streaming down her face. "You wouldn't understand!" He fought back. "You can't do that! You have a wife and three loving children!" She exclaimed, clearly infuriated.

I just ran up the stairs, and stare into space. The thought of my mom and dad fighting made me scared.


I entered school, and caught sight of Jace. He stared a me, and narrowed his eyes while holding hands with Harper. My eyes popped out from heir sockets when I new that they were together. "Denis!" I exclaimed, walking towards him.

"Hey!" He said, his face lightening up. "You look beautiful today" he said, smiling. "Thank you" I mouthed, a smile forming on my face. "How are you?" I asked him. "I'm doing fine" he said coolly. "That's good" I muttered.

"Have you noticed that Jace is with Harper?" I asked him, causing his eyes to widen. "Really?" He questioned in disbelief. I nodded my head, starring the two pecking each other's lips. They looked like a decent couple.

"Yo, Den!" A voice called out. Four boys stormed up to see him. They looked alright, I suppose. "Carina, these boys are Cameron, Sam, James and Ben" Denis introduced. "She already knows me, you twat!" Ben scoffed, causing my to chuckle lightly.

"Oh, and I like how you made out with Denis in the bar" Ben winked. "Is this some friends with benefits thing?" James— I think— asked. "I-I've gotta go" I stammered, walking away awkwardly.


"Sorry about the boys, I knew you were uncomfortable" he said apologetically. "It's okay" I mumbled. He pecked my cheek, and he hugged me tightly. We parted. "I don't think I can ever sleep tonight" I said, feeling my throat ache.

"Why?" He asked win concern. That's what I love about him— he actually cared. "My parents keep on yelling and fighting over something, and it's horrible!" I exclaimed, with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. "Come with me" he said, unwarily.

"What do you mean, Denis?" I asked him. "Come to my apartment, no one's there— my parents don't live with me, like I said." He answered, looking needy. "Alright" I said with a sigh. "Good" he said flatly.

I got onto his car, and Led Zeppelin's music beamed into my ears. The car smelt like mints, and I liked it. He soon parked the car, and I got out of it. We walked to his apartment, and then he gestured me into his sofa.

I sat at the left of the sofa, and he just sat next me, and planted a kiss on my neck. He planted his head on my lap, and I played with his hair.

"You're very beautiful" he remarked.

"You say that way too often"

"And I'll keep saying it until you believe me" he stated.

"Thank you," a smirk smeared across my face. "Friend" I finished. We stayed in the same position, and I saw him frowning. "That's the problem" he groaned. "Hmm?" I hummed, signaling him to continue. "Friends" he said. "And nothing more" he added.


After watching Pretty Little Liars, I had to cope with Denis constantly whining. "Enough with the chick flick shit! I want to watch Breaking Bad!" He exclaimed, pouting at me with puppy eyes. "Hey, it's your house. Watch whatever you want to watch" I laughed.

"You're the best" he gushed, hugging me, and pecking my cheek. I sighed heavily, and snuggled with him under the soft, fluffy blanket. I slowly drifted off to sleep, while my head rested on his chest.


I woke up with him caressing my waist while his neck rested on my shoulder. "Denis" I whispered, tapping on his shoulder. "Den" I repeated, with my voice more stern. "What" he groaned, rubbing his eyes. "We have to go to school" I informed, frowning. Anxiety kicks me in the gut. "We could skip!" He shouted, with his voice sounding like he was stating-the-obvious.

"N-no" I stammered stubbornly. "We can't!" I exclaimed. "I know you'd rather have a day off with me, kitten" he huskily whispered. "Because you're my friend" I managed to say, releasing a heavy sigh. "Because you want to be more than friends, Carina" Denis said, sounding needy.

"What's up with you these days?" I asked him, slightly irritated. "Me? What's up with you!" He sounded angry; furious to be exact. "Whoa Denis—" he cut me off.

"I like you! Why can't you see that? I'm sick and tired of this petty 'cute-but-just-friends' shit! That's bull! Why can't you just feel the same way! I'm hurting! Either you like me or making me feel like a warped lovestruck kid all over again!" He shouted.

My mouth gaped, and I wasn't able to function, or cope with this outburst. His words were so sincere, and I started to realize how much I really wanted him. I slowly placed my lips against his, and parted when he doesn't kiss me back.

"I'm so sorry, I—" with that, he kissed me roughly,while gripping my waist. My body was smashed against the sofa, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. The kiss lingered. He planted kisses on my neck, until he looks up at me, sternly.

"I want you, Denis" I begged.

"I want you too, please be mine's"

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