Chapter 23- The Big Day

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Today was finally the day— the day that officially states that my petty, lovestruck high school days are finally over. I'm finally graduating from this horrible, yet wonderful place. Tears brimmed my eyes just at the thought of it. At least I get to end it with my two idiot best friends (sadly, no Lainey) and my boyfriend, as you all know.

I curled streaks of my hair with a curler and applied a fair amount of makeup, and applied some foundation to try to make my eye bags to sort of fade away. The thing is, after this day, I have Canada to look forward to. I'd have to live with my aunt Jessica. And when summer break ends, I'd move to college.

The life cycle of us teens in rather interesting. Look forward to adulthood, and look back at your childhood. I ran down the stairs in my gown and hood which was navy blue— as everyone knows, my favorite color. I also placed my mortarboard on top of my head.

I ran down the stairs, and saw that mom had tears in her eyes. "Oh, I'm gonna cherish this moment forever" she said, engulfing me into the tightest hug ever. "I'm so proud of my young, graduated lady!" She exclaimed.

"Mom, I'm not graduated yet" I chuckled, "But will be soon!" I yelled. "Hush, honey" she teased. "Where's dad, anyways?" I asked mom, unwarily.

Her smile broke into a frown after the question slipped out from my mouth. "He isn't here today" she said plainly. So that meant that he wouldn't be here in the ceremony. Oh. I frowned at the sight of that, and pulled out a pop tart from the cupboard.


As the students were enraged with excitement, we threw our mortarboard in unison, up in the sky. Today's weather was beautiful. Pretty ironic for a place like London, but it suited the place well. But cumulus clouds formed in the air, signifying that rain awaits.

I hugged Wren and Gunther, who boasted all over their social media pages that they're finally a graduate. "We- we're a graduate!" Panicked Gunther joyously. "I know, I know!" I screeched. I faced Denis, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"No more school! No more school!" Wren cried victoriously. "You little fool, you still have college to look forward to.." Gunther chuckled. "In Australia!" Wren squirmed.

"I'm gonna miss you, Den" I said, with tears forming in my eyes. "Aww, don't cry now dear" he cooed. "Yeah Carina, I mean... You'll see him very soon! College life would flash by you very quickly, sometimes three years would feel like a millisecond!" Wren chirped.

I took his advise. Boy, he was a smart cookie, and I loved that about this little Lord Of The Rings geek. "I know, I'm just really, really happy that I met you guys" I sniffled lightly. "Aww, Carina!" Gunther gushed.

The four of us huddled together for the tightest, soothing group hug, like mom said, a moment I'd cherish forever. Denis went to have a chat with his band mates, and I ran up to see my mother, who was my no. 1 supporter. "Mommy!" I squealed, jumping onto her to hug the mother hat I happen to be related to.

She chuckled, and stroked my hair, and soon lowered her hand to part my back. "Carina, my little angle, I'm so proud of you" she purred. "Thanks mom" I said.

"You're finally graduated" she chuckled. "The next siblings to graduate are Lillian and Brianna, mom" I said. "And I'd be looking forward to that" she said. She pressed her lips on my cheek, as we untangled ourselves from the embrace.

"Carina, as an eighteen year old, I spent my night after the graduation with my friend. And I still remember every second of the night, even after 48 years after. Carina, I want you to spend that night with the ones who helped you through your high school experienced" said mom. "Thank you Hilary Fanning" I thanked, snuggling into her.

I was so happy to end my high school experience with the ones I owe my happiness to. Without them, I'd just be a loner I used to be, when I was too ignorant to shut them out. I appreciate them so much for being in this chapter of my life— high school years.

I had my first kiss in high school, I sneaked out from my house at night for the first time, went to my very first concert, had couple/ movie night, first heartbreak, first anxiety meltdown, first boyfriend, first girl-best friend here, all in high school.

This is an ending to my high school chapter, and I shall look forward to my next chapter— college life.

Oh my gosh, guys. This book was literally just for fun. I never really thought that people would actually take the time to read and send me such wonderful feedback! I am so thankful for this wonderful experience. Since this has come to an end, you'd probably be wondering, "would there be a sequel? The thing is, maybe. If you want me to write one. I have something in mind. Like fast forward three years after, y' know?

Once again, thank you so-very-much.

- Amy

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