Chapter 6- A Distressed Cupid

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I feel so bad to make them fall in love and not be together x~x Sorry for spoiling! But I promise some fluff in it soon.

-Two Weeks Later-

It has been two weeks since Denis and I kept in touch. He didn't even bothered to say a simple 'hi' or 'hello' to me. It's like I was gone in thin air. All my senses told me I was just a fading memory to him. As I shove people harshly through the crowd, my subconscious told me that I was lost in this big world.

Gunther has a new girlfriend, Elisa. And Wren? He also has a girlfriend, who was Elisa's younger sister, Dakota. We parted way, and the friendship that we thought was untamable drifted away. It saddened me to feel this mood; to feel this lonely.

I glanced at the other side of the room, and saw Elisa planting a kiss on the tip of Gunther's nose. I sighed heavily, and grabbed my English books, since the first lesson was double English— such fun! Please note the sarcasm.

The bell rang, and the students squeezed to get into their rooms. I felt someone pushing me vigorously, causing me to loose my balance. I glanced up to see Wren, who held Dakota's hand. Tears brimmed my eyes. I began to regain my balance and tried to shrug off the pain that was held in my chest.

I entered the class, and saw Denis hugging Harper tightly. Harper just glanced at me blankly and walked away. I sealed my lips shut, and avoided Denis. He stared at me sternly, and I looked away from him. My eyes were glued to the teacher.

"We're going to do some descriptive writing about the constant feeling that enters your head; like happiness, anger, stress, sadness, feeling in love, and all that. Describe how it feels, and don't feel afraid to use metaphors, similes etcetera." She ordered.

People starts to storm into my mind; how they destroy me on the inside, and how they make me a living wreck: my feeling I choose is exhaustion.

I'm tired of helping others and not even caring if my life's falling apart, I'm tired of chasing after people who wouldn't even stop and notice how much I care; I'm tired of falling in love, and end up with my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Drowning in a world of thoughts, got me to realize that I shouldn't care anymore.

I can't fall in love, again.


"Carina, wait!" Shouted someone from behind. I stood there, struck with shock, as I walked down the empty streets, straight after school, after I sent my three siblings back home. I turned around to see the one and only— Denis.

I faked a soft smile. "H-hi" I stammered. He smiled back at me; brightly, to be exact. "I haven't heard from you for ages!" He practically shouted in glee. "Because you don't care, Denis." I stated dully. He probably viewed me as a sulky, bitter girl now.

"I've been taken for granted, and you left me all alone when you got what you've wanted- Harper" I managed to choke out. Tears threatened to spill out from my eyes. He looked at me sternly. His mouth gaped, as he was trying to say something.

"Please save it, Denis; I've already lost my best friends, and I don't want to loose my common sense" I grumbled, storming away from his sight.

I ran down somewhere, where Denis was out from sight. Out from sight, but not out from mind. I huffed from the thought of that. I breathed in the cold breeze of the air, which satisfied me; the natural environment is like my remedy. It mends my soul, and soothes me down.

My eyes caught sight of the tree that had Denis and I's initials engraved on it. All my senses told me that it must be taken down. I grabbed a cutter from my sleeves, and crossed it off. I felt satisfied. He was a memory that I want to erase.

It's remarkable how the human brain can't erase a memory we crave to forget. Gunther and Wren— it really saddened me that they left me, and it angered me the same time. Their girlfriends urged them into not befriending me any longer, because they feared that they'd cheat on them with me.

I leaned beside the tree and sobbed. Slowly, my surroundings drifted away, and I was trapped in this world of thoughts.


I cooked the three spaghetti carbonara, and it didn't help at all, that they were babbling way too loudly. I can't silence them; to be an obstacle to block them from their happiness— it isn't my thing any longer. I've experienced way too many people that made me realize how distressing it really is.

I placed an equal amount of spaghetti on four plates. I placed a broccoli on the side, to try to challenge Tanner to at least eat something green— that is healthy.

"Thank you, Carina!" The three cheered. I couldn't help but smile. "You're welcome" I replied softly. "Car, where's the man?" Asked Brianna in curiosity. My face literally dropped. "He is gone" I answered firmly.

"Car, I've got an A- on Maths!" Tanner boasted, confidently and proudly. my eyes enlarged from the news. "I'm so proud of my little bro!" I cheered, and messed with his hair. He just smiled, and it didn't seem to fall out from his face.

"Are you done with boys?" Lillian questioned me. I stood there in silence for a while. "W-what makes you think I am?" I stammered. "Well," she started, "I saw the boy who crashed in our place's Facebook, and I saw that he was with another girl" Lillian ended.

"And she's really hot!" Tanner remarked, smirking. "She's not!" Brianna disagreed. "I'm over them, Lill" I said, and managed to chuckle lightly.


I didn't know how broken and disheartened Carina was until the encounter with her on the streets. She has all the rights to be mad at me, because of multiple of reasons; I was a total jerk for using her, I was disrespectful to her, and the list goes on...

After the journey of  having the girl I presumed was the sun to my light, I noticed the one I was chasing for was in my path all along the way.

Carina. It has always been her, but I was too blind to notice. Blinded by Harper's needs, and beyond ignorant to not really notice her significance in my life.

Chasing after her is now useless because i know by heart she really hates me.

By hate, I mean like she strongly does. And I'm not even exaggerating.

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