Chapter 2- Taken For Granted

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Tears brimmed my eyes, and all I could think about was grandma. How her life flashed by her so quickly, and how I only got see her for just a few times. If I could see her once again, I would engulf her into the tightest embrace.

I slipped into my pajamas that were blue and silky, and made my body draped in my blanket. Hot tears slowly rolled down my lifeless cheeks. I soon trailed off, and sealed my eyes shut.


I was awakened by the sound of yelling and screaming. Of coarse, they're making a riot, once again. Anger rushed through my body. I stormed down the stairs, wearing a shield of pure crankiness. "Hey!" I snapped at the three. "Shut up!" I screamed, feeling my neck ache after my breakdown. Their lips were sealed shut, and I couldn't possibly fiction after that. I huffed, and got myself cleaned.

6:21 am, and they're causing the Third World War, now? Gee, that's exhausting. I wore my black tank top, and wore my blue flannel, and my black leggings. I slipped on my Nike shoes on, and headed won stairs, with my hair pulled up into a high pony tail.

I drove off to Wren's, and dropped both us off at school. Our eyes wandered around the school, in search of Gunther. "Where the hell is he?" I groaned. Wren shrugged, and frowned. "Maybe he's not here" he suggested. Gunther was never absent, it's rather odd to be convinced that he wasn't here.

"Isn't that dress code violation?" Wren questioned, glancing at my outfit. I frowned, knowing that our shirts can't expose our collarbone. How sexist can school be? I huffed. "I doubt it. I don't care anyways" I mumbled.

"Feisty, are we now?" Wren chuckled. I rolled my eyes in irritation, and pressed my school books against my chest. "Wren, what's your first lesson?" I questioned him. "Ugh" he groaned, going through his schedule. "Art" he said flatly.

I knew he hated art, he always said that it is what satan educated people, and brainwashed society into thinking it wasn't evil, and that he wasn't brainwashed. He's so silly, at times... The bell rang, causing my ears to throb from the painful sensation circulating in my ears. I dashed to English.

I entered the class room, and Mrs. Pratt narrows her eyes at me coldly, after the incident in summer, where I stumbled across her, and accidentally poured my coffee all over her blouse. She was wearing the same one, and it was stained with the same coffee.

"Hey mrs. P" I said with a sigh. There was tension between us in the room. Students entered, and it helped me get rid of the embarrassment that caused me to look so awkward.  I sat beside the dude that all the girls seemed to drool for..

The metal-rocker, the hot foreigner... The tall boy who's body resembled Jack- Skellington— Denis. It's weird how I wasn't convinced into actually liking him. Yes, it was indeed flattering to know he's in a band that tours, but all those types of music seemed to be too heavy for me.

Boy, do I miss Canada, even if life over there seemed to be a blur to me. I remember our small turtle, Yoshi, that we used to own...

I noticed the boy beside me gazing sternly at the girl that looked beyond pretty towards everyone; Harper Anne Collins. Her strawberry blonde hair and her stormy blue eyes were pretty, and her plump lips and small body allured the boys by just one glance at it. Not to mention, her chest and lower half poked out from her, making her look beyond perfect, to the boys of coarse, she's out of everyone's league.

And boy, don't get me started on her brother, Kyle. He looked as if he was sculpted by the gods from the above. No human that ever walked in this earth had ever looked made without flaws. But, I had no interest for him.

I don't know whether I should identify myself as an asexual, because I can't prove yet that I am, and yet, I can't prove that I am not. It's all so confusing to me.

The whole lesson seemed to be a blur to me, as all the fuckboys seemed to leave sexual remarks on the teacher, which angered her. I got out from class, and headed to see Wren. I felt a cold pare of hands placed on my shoulder, which caused me to jump.

Denis just stood there with a smile. "Can I help you?" I said, trying to sound as polite as possible. "Carina Fanning, am I right?" He questioned. "You are correct" I answered, smiling softly. "I need to make you a deal" he said, quickly moving into another topic.

I knitted my eyebrows, and my mouth gaped in confusion. "What is it?" I suddenly asked anxiously. He paused, and checked his surroundings. "Follow me" he motioned, gesturing me out of the hallways. With a heavy sigh, I do so.

We stood in front of the car park, where no one stayed at. I must confess, he actually looked hot... He pulled a box of cigarettes out from his pocket, which caused me to cringe. "don't even think about it" I hissed, narrowing my eyes.

"Alright, alright" Denis said, laughing lightly. He tucked it in his jeans, and leaned against the wall. I just stood there, waiting for him to begin. "Alright, I heard from your pal Wren that you can hook people up, right?" He said.

"He said what!!" I gushed, blood rising up to my cheeks. Dammit Wren... "Yeah, and I need you to do so" he added. I furrowed my eyebrows, and hesitated— I know that I helped many people out, but the tables have turned now. I won't be taken for granted anymore. If I'm only going to be noticed and talked to and be seen as nothing more than a 'helper', than don't count me in!

"I won't be taken for granted anymore" I huffed, "I'm sorry Denis, but I can't, nor I won't" and with that, I stormed off. I felt him holding me, gripping me with vigor. "Hey!" I snapped. "Now love, who said I was?" He questioned cheekily.

Boy, is he so full of himself. "Fine, I'll help you" I groaned. He just plastered a smirk across his face and nodded. "I need to win my girl back" Denis said, "I need to win back Harper" he added. I nodded and frowned.

"Isn't she in a stable relationship already?" I questioned, rather a bit too loudly. "Shh" he hissed. "S-sorry" I stammered. "I know, but you can help, right?" He asked. "I'm not sure, but if the plan goes down the drain, don't always blame it on me, right?" I said.

"Alright love" and with that, he smirks. "Haven't you try talking to her yet?" I asked him. "Carina, you sweet, innocent child. She hates me to the bone, and she doesn't want anything to do with me." He said. "Not even after the incident" he muttered, glancing away from me, as if he was too good for me. I rolled my eyes, and bit my lip.

"Listen, Denis" with that, I cut right to the chase, "I know you don't like me, but we're just gonna make this work, alright? If we can get together and you keep your head out of your ass, our plan might actually work!" I thundered. "Whoa, easy there tiger" he chuckled, "I never said I didn't like you" he said. I huffed.

"I'll just need to know her first" I stated, "Just go back inside and not say a word about this, or our plan will go down the drain." I insisted. He just nodded his head, and walked out. Wow, he really is tall, comparing from him to me. God sakes, I'm 5'5!

He turned his face back at me and winked. I rolled my eyes, and stormed inside the other way, so I don't get to stumble across him.

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