Chapter 17- Take Me Back

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"Denis" my voice croaked, as I tapped on his apartment door. He creaked the door opened, and his eyes looked puffy— wait, what? Was he crying? "Carina" he gasped, "Please come in" he begged, opening the door wider, so I could enter.

The placed looked decent, like it always did. But, there were empty beer bottles on his tables, and cigarettes mixed together. He noticed my gazed, so he cleared it, and sprayed an orange-scented air freshener. "Do you want something to drink?" He offered me, his voice cracking every time he says a word. "No thanks" I tried to shrug off the tension. "So, what brings you here, then?" He asked me, tipping some alcohol in his glass.

"Alright," I managed to say, "I came here to say thank you" I cut right to the chase. "For what?" He asked, sounding dumbfounded. "For the tickets, Denis" I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Oh" he said flatly. "You're welcome, dear" he added. "And I'm really sorry for being so rude" I said, with a small huff in shame. "That's alright! Really!" He exclaimed.

"I should better get going" I announced, pulling myself up from his seat. His firm grip kept me seated. "You're leaving me this early? Come on!" He whined. "No! I'm not gonna let you go through all this struggle just for me" I managed to say, stubbornly. "It's fine!" He assured. "I don't know want to be a home wrecker. I don't want Harper to get suspicious, after all I'm just here to say a simple thank you" I said, snaking my hands away from his hold.

I turned back to him, and saw that he looked at me, somehow looking sad. "I love you" he mouthed, frowning. I sighed, and closed the door behind me shut. Moments later, I heard the sound of glass breaking ring into my ears.


I just smashed my Jack Daniel's bottle against the wall, watching it shatter. I'm such an idiot for cheating on her— I've broken her heart twice! I grumbled, and face palmed myself, and felt hit tears streaming down my eyes. You really blew it, this time.

I broke up with Harper, because she wasn't the one I want. Carina April Fanning is. It wasn't the fact that Carina has a bigger chest size than Har— MY GOD DENIS STOP THINKING LIKE THAT. It was that Carina seemed more like girlfriend material.

Wife material, to be accurate.

-- April 24th, fast forwarding to Carina's birthday --


"Happy birthday girl!" Lainey cheered, hugging me tightly. "Love you Cari" she whispered, as I gripped on her tighter. "Yo birthday girl!" Wren chimed in, tackling me into a hug. "Don't leave me out of this one!" Gunther exclaimed, jumping into an embrace, causing us to loose our balance and fall to the ground.

We chorused out laughs, and we got up. "Let's go to school" I told them. I have to send those three idiots of a sibling to school as well.


I ordered a pumpkin spice drink, and when I turned around, some hot substance was tipped all over well- my chest. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The voice said as tissue was dabbed on my top. I glanced up to see Denis. "Uh, Denis?" I questioned. "Carina" he gasped, covering his mouth in awe. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't-" he stammered.

"Its alright" I sighed, frowning at my wrecked shirt, stained with his coffee. Great, now my bra poked out from my damp shirt. He starred at my— well... And I instantly got my coffee, paid the cashier and walked away rom the store, feeling so embarrassed...

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