Chapter 7- Cute Newbie

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A new day, new you. I rubbed my eyes, until the irritation grew. I groaned, and entered the bathroom. I did the same, old routine which was the same for years now. I got in the shower, and water sprinkled down my skin. I rinsed my body with my coconut-scented soap and dried off the water that coated my skin. I wore my undergarments and stared into the mirror.

Boy, did I always looked this way? I snapped out from the thoughts. I grabbed my pitch-black pencil skirt that ended half way down my thighs, and wore my white blouse. I've gotta say, my overall outfit looked pretty decent. It was beyond rare to hear this coming out from me. Complimenting myself isn't my specialty.

My comb ran through my hair, and I tied my hair into a messy bun. I slipped on my black flats, and I grabbed my backpack, and slung it across my shoulders.

I was greeted by Tanner, Brianna and Lillian all seated in the dining table. They were eating their cereal, and their bowls emptied in a few seconds. I grabbed an apple, and knew deep down in my heart that it was plenty for breakfast.

"Guys, you ready?" I startled them. "Hell yeah!" Tanner cried. "Tanner, watch your mouth" I thundered, pointing and starring at him sternly. He soon quietened down.


I drove past Wren's house, and nostalgia hit me; I remembered that I use to pick him up to school, and always having to listen to him nagging and whining about his little sister, Dani, who we all secretly hate.

I remember that every year, Wren, Gunther and I would have a countdown, and they'd do a crazy dance every new year, followed by weird tweets that they'd send when we get intoxicated with apple juice. All of that is gone now, and us three parted. I suppose the trio could be tamed by the simplest obstacles.

I dropped the three to school, and I saw a glint in their eyes which express the glee, happiness and bliss. I envy them for the lack of happiness.

I entered school, still having the weight pressuring my shoulders. My head hung low, and I avoided all human contact— or so I thought. Someone lightly tapped on my shoulders, and I looked up to see a tall man with charming, stormy blue eyes,mane greasy slick back Raven hair.

"Hi" he greeted, smiling brightly with his teeth shining. "H-hey" I answered softly. "My name's Jace" he introduced, extending his hands towards me. "Carina" I replied firmly, shaking his hands. Boy, he was gorgeous.

"I'm new here" he stated, his smile still plastered his face. "I figured" I said, with a light laugh. "You need help 'round here" I said, starring at me. "Will you help me?" He questioned me, starring at me now, deeply.

"Sure!" I exclaimed without hesitation. "Great" he said with a smirk. "We could, uh, start now" he cockily started. "Alright" I muttered, gesturing him around the place.


After Art ended, I entered English. It was pretty awkward for me, having to sit beside Denis- after um, the breakdown I had. It was pretty melodramatic of me to be that flimsy towards him, though. But he's still a jerk, so I suppose he kind of deserved it.

I sat down, and saw Mrs. Pratt looking puzzled as she tried to work out the projector. "Darn!" She thundered in defeat. Jace entered the room  which enlightened my mood. I suddenly morphed into a happier person. 

"Sit here" I insisted, tapping at the chair on my right. His face lightened as well. "Sure" he said coolly. Denis entered, with his eyes glued on me. "Carina" he gasped, "Let me explain" he begged. Blood rose from my cheeks. "I don't want to listen" I stubbornly hissed at him. "Carina, come on!" He whined.

"Respect the lady, bro" he thundered. I sighed, knowing that Denis is a poignant reminder of my sorrow. Denis rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me what to do" Denis sassed Jace. Jace kept quiet, while sending a death glare to the careless Denis.

Mrs. Pratt smiled oddly today; it wasn't common of her to be this happy. "Class, we have a new student here today, Jace. Please make him feel welcomed" she cheered. "Alright, for our first expertise today, please pick a partner" ordered the teacher.

Jace placed his hands on mine, and starred at me. "Okay?" He said, in an attempt to be dreamy. "Sure" I muttered. Denis ran across the room, and engulfed Harper into a hug.

I couldn't help but feel 'slightly' jealous. It wasn't my intention to fall in love with him in the first place, but I couldn't help but feel like this. "Forget about that guy, he's a prick, and he shouldn't be the main reason why you're sad" cooed Jace.

I forced a weak smile to spread across my face. "Thank you" I mouthed, fiddling with the hem of my pencil skirt. "You're going to be in a project with that partner. You guys will be making a poster about similes or metaphors. Your choice" she adds.

"So, should we start it today?" I suggested. "Sure" he answered.


"Should we do metaphors or similes?" I asked. "I don't know" he shrugged. I huffed, and hesitated. "Metaphors, alright?" I asked him. "Yeah, anything the lady wants" he remarked, and winked at me. My cheeks flushed red.

His eyes were glued to his phone. Moments later, he glances back up at me. I scribbled the notes, and designed the layout, while he suggest things.

"Write down this as an example" he said, "She is a fallen angel, body was sculpted by the gods from above" he added. "Whoa" I laughed, "That was impressive" I said.

"Do you want to hear the inspiration to it?" He asked I raised my eyebrow up, and stared at him in confusion. "You" he pushed the words out from his lips, and the words

Sunk. Into. Me.

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