Chapter 8- Expect The Unexpected

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Okay, I've made the ending bit kind of fluffy, so Denis and Carina could all be cute and all that.. Oops! I've spoilt to much already >~<

This was all so sudden; we just met 12 hours ago, and now he's attempting to kiss me? I suppose it takes less than a week to develop a feeling for a certain someone.

I blushed and glanced away, while cupping my cheeks. "Carina, you look beautiful" Jace complimented pushing himself closer to me. I was dumbfounded, confused of what he's doing, until our lips entwined. My eyes enlarged, and I just allowed him to continue.

We parted and he just smiled at me. I felt a pang of uncomfortableness kick me right in the gut. I laughed uncomfortably and turned away, to avoid his eyes.


I was told that my parents were coming home in two more days. I sighed, and felt relieved that I won't have to deal with the three by myself any longer. Sometimes I wonder if my parents feel fed up with this, I mean, they have a lot of kids to take care of.

I wore my blue dress, and a black leathered jacket. Today was a Friday, therefore I was super happy to lay-down and relax for the rest of the night.

I dropped Lillian, Brianna and Tanner to school, so I drove to mines'. As I made my way to the corridor, I was greeted by Dakota, who had a stern, unamused look drawn all over her face. "Hi?" I said, with a questioning tone in my voice.

"Oh, the Carina-girl" she snickered, rolling her eyes. I was puzzled, so I just starred at her in confusion. "Yeah, stay in your lane please!" She snapped at me, irritatingly. "What do you mean Dakota? You're acting funny" I pointed out frowning.

"Don't touch my Wren, or you'll regret it!" She defensively snapped at me, and stormed off of my sight. I was gobsmacked; I never expected Wren to go for a girl this salty! I sighed heavily, and got my things.

I grabbed my Geography text book, and caressed it. I'm not in the mood for being flimsy anymore. I'd just sigh, and continue along with my life. I caught sight to see the one I'd want to see the last; Jace. I have no idea why I wasn't in the mood for seeing him- oh wait, I actually do:

A) he's way to flirty

B) there's something about him that just annoys me.

"Hey" I muttered under my breath. "Hey beautiful" he says, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, and sat on the chair I usually did. "Do you have plans tomorrow night?" He asked me. "Yes, I actually do" I said, firmly. "I'm having a Lord Of The Rings marathon " I added.

"Why do you care, anyways?" I asked him. "I was just wondering if you'd maybe come over at my place, and you know, watch movies on Netflix and chill" he shrugged. I scoffed, and scrunched up my nose. I may be a broken girl, but at least I'm a broken girl with dignity.

Denis entered the room, and I can't stop starring at him. He glanced back at me, which broke my stare. Jace noticed, and he gave me a straight-face. He pulled me closer to him, and planted a kiss on top of my head, which caused Denis to roll his eyes.

"I don't like that" I groaned at Jace. That didn't stop him from wearing that triumphant smile, from knowing that he mocked Denis. "Carina, will you come with me to a small get-together at my place?" He asked, offering me to be by his side.

Without hesitation, the word "yes" slipped out from my mouth. "Alright" he said, while grinning. "See you at six, wear something nice" he ordered. I can't take back what I said; once a yes, always a yes.

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