Chapter 12

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Alright, Cari. Denis is being weird, so just go with the flow.

Carina: Hold up, when did you own me? Smh

Denis: You know you want me ;)

I scoffed, and shut my phone; his ego shall never lower. Oh well, the poor boy just needs something to feeds his esteem that never dimmers. I sighed heavily, and watched some episodes of Supernatural, witnessing Dean's beauty...


I entered school, feeling shoulders brushing against mines, earning myself some complaints. "Hey, watch it!" A voice yelled out. I groaned, and headed to my locker. I pulled out my science, English and French textbooks, and shut my locker.

From the brink of my eye, I caught sight of Gunther. "Gunther!" I called out, capturing his attention. "Save it, slut" he spat, shoving me away harshly. I felt tears brimming my eyes, but I fought them. I'd rather be strong than be weakened by someone I thought I could depend myself with. He was troubled, based on his attempts on trying so hard to be a clone of Wren...

"Cupid, you look distressed" Denis pointed out, magically appearing to my sight. "N-no" I forced a smile to form on my face, "I'm okay" I added, shrugging the stern feeling off of my shoulders. "Oh" he mumbled flatly.

"Like I said, yesterday" he said, his warm breath puffed against my neck. "I know you want me, and I want you" and with that, he pressed his lips on my neck from behind. And in that exact moment, I blew a fuse. I am in a time of needing solace, not listening to sexual remarks and receiving kisses that aren't so-friendly! My inner demons weren't silenced, as I stormed away from this school.

I was mad— wait, 'mad' is an understatement! I'm infuriated. I feel used for sexual hunger, for helping others for their needs, for their advances! Why can't I just be appreciated as an individual for once, without people whining me, and urging me to help them!

Cupid, not at your service!


Three weeks later-

After the feeling of my deepest, darkest thoughts dominating my mind, I soon dropped out from socializing. I felt so degraded; but it made me know the superficial people surround me, and they're always more than expected.

Like the person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger.

I entered school, with all eyes glued on me. They exchanged me with confused looks, questioning my choice of clothing. I've gotta say, I felt like as if I've morphed into another different person. I'm wearing my blue flannel, a black shirt and skinny jeans.


"Kiss me, Denis" I suddenly say, forcing my lips against his'. The lack of alcohol I've drank left me intoxicated and really tipsy. It also gave me the sudden urge of sexily activities. He looked shocked at first, but then he kissed back.

I was in a bar with a new friend I made in a cd store, Lainey. I found out that we share the same interest in our bands that we liked, and we kind of socialized. "Calm down, kitten" he whispered softly. My legs were wrapped around his waist, while my face rested on his shoulders. "B-but" I stammered.

"I want you" I begged. I pulled a strand of hair, and tucked it behind his ear. "God, you're so hot" I gushed, pressing my lips on his once again. Lainey pulled me away from him, causing me to whine. "Cari, you'll thank me later for doing this!" Lainey exclaimed motherly, as she helped me balance myself. Lainey was the same age as me, but was born on May, while I was born on April.

"No! I want Denis!" I stubbornly barked at her. "Carina, you're very drunk and you don't know what you're doing" Lainey sighed heavily.


When she entree my sight, and smashed her lips against mines, it turned me on. Really did. But I didn't want to take advantage of her, and I didn't want to reject her at the same time... The kiss lingered for a few moments, and boy was sit hot.

Her friend parted her away from me, which was reasonable, I suppose. The bottles of beer she drank loosened the control of her sexual frustration, which I found indeed hot. I caught Ben starring at Carina's friend, eying her sternly.

"Bro, you like that chick?" I sleep Ben. "Well, she's got some— you know" he laughed it off, signifying me her chest. My face literally dropped, not realizing how dirty Ben is. Well, it was kind of obvious the first time I saw him, but he said he shared interest in so many girls, so many times.


"Hey Cupid" Denis greeted me. "H-hi" I stammered shyly. "You seem shy" Denis stated, smirking. "Don't I always?" I questioned him. "Well, not last night" he teased. I shot him a dumbfounded look. "What do you mean?"

"You entered the bar really drunk, and you literally kissed me and said you wanted my body... That's adorable baby girl" he chuckled. "N-no that didn't happen" I cut him, denying whatever he just said. "You could so your lady friend and Ben" Denis backed up. I suppose he was telling the truth after all...

"I did that?! Denis, I'm so sorry for what I did, I shouldn't even have done that, and I didn't know what was doing!" I cried, feeling ashamed. "It's okay" he cooed.


"So, did I really do that with Denis?" I asked Lainey nervously. "Yes!" She nursed a giggle. "You were lucky I pulled you out, because boy, you could've been pregnant if you stayed there" Lainey said. "Uh— thanks" I muttered. "Let's do something else, like watch tv series."

"Big Bang Theory?" Lainey asked. "Anything for my bestie" I gushed, causing her to squeal.

Cupid At Your Service- Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now