Chapter 11- Encounters

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"Y-you what?" I stammered. "I said I think you're beautiful, silly" he said between chuckles. "Oh" I muttered. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, and leaned down to peck my cheek. "We're still friends, right?" I asked unwarily. I mentally face palmed myself for doing so. "I'm afraid we are, dear" he smirked.


"Carina, are you okay?" Mom asked me, in concern. I forced a smile across my face. "Of coarse I am" I lied, faking my enthusiasm. "Alright!" She chirped. She walked over towards Lillian, who held a confused look on her face while starring into her worksheet.

I felt my phone buzz right below my arm.

Denis: I'm thinking of you <3 (*~*)

Denis: You're so beautiful

Denis: Don't leave me alone beautiful : (

I was struck in shock, receiving a text from him like this. Doubts cloud my mind... "Maybe his friends texted me" I thought. "Or it's a dare" a voice in my head says.

Carina: I'm flattered, but this must be a joke :'D

Denis: Ouch that hurt

Denis: Wow, I can't even compliment you? You're twisted

Carina: Well in that case, thanks Den-Den ^_^


I giggled lightly, and I shit my phone, seeing a grin drawn on my mother. "Is that a boy?" She asked, with a smirk. "Boy? No!" I tried to shrug off the feeling. "You're blushing, Car" she pointed out. I grumbled, and walked up my bed.

I shiver my cd in my stereo, and the sound of One Republic beamed in my ear.

It's too late to apologize,
It's too late!
I said it's too late to apologize,
It's too late!

I pulled out a box with vermillion glitter coating the surface, and the word 'SECRET' was written across the cardboard paper. I was being nostalgic all of a sudden: when I was seven, I got this box from a Nike shoe. I giggled at the thought of it. Many imaginations and creativity that was behold inside this box of wonders of the young me.

There was a lime-green memo pad sealed to the paper, and it read out in scruffy writing, reading out "WARNING: DEMONS WILL BE SET FREE IF YOU OPEN THIS BOX' it read out. I opened the box, and saw a collection of Polaroids into there.

There was a picture of Gunther, Wren and I posing in front of the camera. We were showing the peace sign, and Horrid Henry was played on the television in the brink of the picture. Another one was shown, and I caressed baby new-born Tanner. Another one was seen, and it was Gunther, Wren and I dressed up in our Halloween costume.

I was dressed up as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, while Gunther wore his Dinosaur onesie, while Wren was in his knight costume, with his armor and sword that was longer than him. Tears brimmed my eyes, as I go through the pictures.

Car + Wren + Gunther = awesomeness and epic friendship

The poster was glued at the bottom of the box. I couldn't help the outburst of tears that were about to release, so I just sobbed, like an ugly person. "Stop crying, stop crying, stop crying" I chanted to myself. I needed fresh air; it was all I longed for.

I walked outside, and drove around the city. As always, Moshi Monsters banners plastered literally the whole town, and their merchandise were seen everywhere; literally what Tanner's paradise is like shortened. I entered Morrisons, and my eyes wandered around the store.

I pulled out a pack of Maltesers, and bought some random blind bags for Brianna; I know how much she loves her Littlest Pet Shops. I'm such a selfless sister. My goal isn't to always give them what they want, but I'm trying to teach them how to become humble and independent.

I walked out from the store, with all the things I bought paid, and checked out. I breathed out a small puff of mist escaped my lips.

"Do you have a lighter?" A man asked, with a thick, deep, British accent, I turned around to see a recognizable face. "N-no" I stammered, starring at the cigarette that was pressed in between his lips. "Ben?" I questioned in disbelief. "Yeah, that's me" he said, dryly. He looked blank today, like his emotions drained out from his body.

"You're not legal yet" I managed to say, completely gobsmacked by him. "And you're not my mother" he sassed. I raised my hands up in defense. "Alright. See you" I said, and with that, I walked away. "Wait!" He exclaimed. I turned around to him and flashed him an awkward smile. "Yeah?" I asked Ben, who looked a bit 'happier'.

"Denis talks about you a lot" he said smirking. "And by a lot, I mean 'A-LOT'" he said. I felt a bit weirded out, to be exact. "Uh-alright... See you Ben" I waved goodbye to him, and walked away, not being able to shrug off the awkward feeling.

Who knows, he might tell him about my horrendous body odor, or how bad my lips felt against his.  The possibilities are endless.


"Bri!" I exclaimed. She turned around with a blank stare. I tossed her the thing I bought her, which caused her face to lighten up. "Thank you!" She chirped, grinning crookedly. "You're welcome" I replied at ease, walking towards the kitchen. I tossed the plastic bag in the bin, and I pulled out my Maltesers.

I got into my bed, and played every love song I ever felt allured to.

I was behaving weirdly, either the encounter with Ben has made me feel this happy, or I am just hopelessly in love with this dude from this metal band.

Denis: Did Ben touch you, Cupid?

I received a text from Denis, causing my stomach to do backflips inside me.

Carina: No, he just asked me if I had a lighter

Denis: Good.

Denis: Because you're mine. No body else's.

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