Chapter 5- Strong Feeling Of Hatred

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I woke up with Denis' arms wrapped around my waist, while his head rested on my shoulder blades. I glanced across the other part of the room, and saw the time. 7:56, it read out. I started to freak out.

I harshly pushed myself out of his embrace, which caused him to groan, waking up. "We are late!" I shouted. His face looked dull and lifeless; showing no care whatsoever. "Can't we just skip?" He asked me, with his raspy voice. I stared at him, as if he was crazy. "No, you lunatic!" I shouted anxiously.

I ran to my wardrobe, and pulled out my white long-sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and undergarments. I dashed up to the toilet, and locked the door, in case Denis barges in the room, while I'm half naked.

I scrubbed the strawberry scented shower gel on my skin, and made warm water pour down on me. The smell of the shower gel lingered around me, but I sprayed an additional amount of perfume on me.

I dressed up, and gestured him in. I ran down the stairs, and saw my three siblings waiting on the dinner table, starring blankly at me. "Guys, sorry for the long wait" I managed to say. "Hashtag relationship-goals!" Teased Lillian, which caused Brianna to chuckle. "Shut up missy, I'm warning you" I hissed, which silenced her.

I ran up the stairs, and saw Denis half naked, with his lower half wrapped with a towel. As reflex action, I placed my hands to cover my eyes, and yelled out, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay if you want to see me naked, I'm sure it's just girl things" he cockily remarked. I shot him a glare. "Is not!" I battled against his presumption. "Alright, Cupid"'he giggled, softly.

He wore a Iron Maiden shirt, and ripped skinny jeans. Why am I not surprised? Oh yeah, because this 'metal dude' is really dedicated to his genre music.

"Let's go" I said, dashing down the stairs. I was in my Nike sneakers, so I could run faster— even though I'm not in the track team, or any of that athletic teams.

"Guys, go in he car" I ordered, and I played Twenty One Pilots— once again. "Come on, Carina!" Cried Tanner. "Nope! My car, my rules" I reminded him, feeling joyous to see him looked ticked off. I giggled, and drove along the way smoothly.


I entered school, and saw Gunther and Wren fighting about something. "Gandalf will win in a battle with Dumbledore!" Shouted Gunther. "No, Dumbledore will!" Corrected Wren, who stared at him with disgust.

"Guys!" I cried, silencing the two dimwits. "We shall never know the answer, because it never happened" I said softly. "I suppose" the two chorused. I sighed heavily, and got into class.

I got in to Mrs. Pratt's classroom, and I waited patiently for others to enter, while lightly tapping on the table.

Kids entered the room, and the teacher walked up to the blackboard. "Alright class, let's get on with the subject" she started firmly.


I finished my after school club, and I walked through the empty halls, with no one at all. "Oh my god, Den-Den! Are you serious? Thank you!" A feminine voice squealed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I presumed that was Harper— and she gets to call him Den-Den. Am I jealous? Of coarse not?

Okay, okay— I will confess— maybe a little. I leaned against the wall, shamefully eavesdropping. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" 'Harper' exclaimed with zeal raging in her voice. "I love you too, baby girl" he said.

I felt my tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't notice I was crying until now. Tears slid from the brink of my eye, and I sniffled softly. My whole body stiffened; if only I knew that I won't get him anyways. I was such an idiot this whole time.

I didn't want to stumble across them, so I walked the separate direction to the car park. I dried off my tears, and just huffed. He told me one of his friends are gonna pick him up. I can't resist the urge to text him.

Carina: should I pick you up today?

Denis: Carina, listen.. I bought tickets for Harper and I to go on that concert, and we won't be back till late at night. FYI, I'm not crashing in your house anymore. I've convinced your mom that you don't need me.

Carina: Oh, okay. Thank you, Denis

I've told a reliable mother of Lillian's friend to drop the three off back at home, so I didn't have to make them wait for two whole hours for me to enter their school. I drove along, and the sad songs just get into me.

I refused to cry over an insignificant other any longer. He could've at least said a small 'thank you' but no! He just left me alone, like a chalk outline; on the sidewalk waiting for the rain to wash away. 

I entered the home, greeted by the rain and the thunder that was mildly alarming. The three snuggled in my blanket and watched the SpongeBob SquarePants cd I bought for them, when they were grieving over grandma.

My heart just melted, at the sight of them cozied up, and looking swell. I feel like a fool, for ever thinking that some guy like Denis is worthy of my time.

My phone vibrated.

Denis: Yo Car-Car, what else does Harper like?

Now was my chance to express my hatred for him.

Carina: Oh, so when completely diss me and left me alone, you still have the decency to call me 'Car-Car'? Save it, Denis.

But I didn't press send. It was like all my organs in my body part told me 'Yes', but my heart firmly said 'no'. I couldn't bring myself up to even look at him right now.


We were at the concert, and boy, was the music shitty! I just had to gaze into Harper's eyes that were filled with excitement. "Denis!" Harper yelled through the music. "Yeah?" I shouted back at her.

She grabbed me by the back of my neck, and pushed herself on me. We collided, and our mouth went into perfect sync. Her cheeks tinted red, and she was joyous.

"I want to be yours" she said, as the music fainted. "Then do so, dear" I replied, kissing her lips once again.

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