Chapter 9- Heated

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I woke up, with a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around to see Denis. My eyes widened, and pushed myself from his embrace. That woke him up, while looking half-awake. "What am I doing here?" I asked, panicking.

"Oh dear, did you remember?" He asked, his morning voice caused chills to travel down my spine. I shrugged, being dumbfounded. "Jace drugged you" his words sunk into my brain. "N-no" I stuttered, "Please tell me you're joking!" I felt anxiety rush through me.

"Why would I joke about something like that?" he asked aloud. "Get some more rest" he insisted. "No" I grumbled stubbornly. I pang of pain struck through my head. "Ow" I whimpered. My head was throbbing in pain.

"My headache's killing me!" I cried. He glanced at me, and handed me some painkillers and a glass of water. "Drink up" he said softly. "Thank you" I mouthed, and chugged in the water along with the painkiller.

I sighed heavily, and fell back asleep. I groaned lightly, feeling the irritation of the pain. I peaked my head up, and glanced at him. "Please tell me what happened last night, I can't remember anything" I begged. "I'll tell you what happened after you take a rest" he stated motherly. "B-but" I stammered, "I can't sleep without knowing" I added softly.

He sighed, and sat at the edge of the bed, still dying me sternly. "So, I saw Jace putting something in your drink, so I figured that he probably added something bad. I wasn't fast enough to stop you from drinking it." He explained, with a frown drawn all over his face. I gasped, and felt pain struck me.

"I never thought he'd turn out to be someone like that" I managed to choke out, feeling pain circulating around my throat. I battled the verge of tears. "Hey there" he cooed, "Jace is an undeserving bastard who doesn't even deserve you" he said with a reassuring smile. "Thanks" I muttered.

"Um, Carina, just wondering... Are you and Jace together?" He questioned me, as his face tensed up. "No!" I exclaimed. "He just flirted way too much, I tried to push him away" I backed up. "Good" he said under his breath. "Why?" I asked suddenly.

"Because he made out with Dakota last night" Denis informed, causing my eyes to pop out from their sockets. "I feel so bad for Wren" I pointed out, not being able to smear the frown out from my face.

"Just so you know, Cupid" he said, standing up. "You're mine" he ended cockily, with a smirk. My mouth gaped in awe, and disbelief.


I got back home, greeted by Tanner eying me with suspense. "What did you do?" He asked, a smirk pranced across his face. "What?" I asked dumbly. "Oh, you live the life of the party!" He exclaimed in between chuckles. I scoffed.

"I thought you were just some good girl" Tanner said cheekily. I stormed to my room, and changed. I wore my favorite green dress, and went down the stairs.

I prepared the dinner table, and placed in dishes, enough for our family. "When's mom and dad coming again?" I asked Brianna. "Around 6" she said plainly. I examined her a while. "What's up, Bri?" I asked her with concern.

"Check Facebook" she cleared her throat, and walked off with a bit of anger in her actions. I logged onto Facebook, and stumbled across a feed.

Brianna Fanning was tagged in this post.

Harriet Collins: Brianna, you are a scum of this earth, and knowing that you exist sickens me. You are a pathetic, little harlot that whores around boys to allure them. We all know your sick little games and we are all annoyed of your bullshit. Do us a favor and kill yourself.



My throat dried up, halfway through the post. It was cruel. Wait, a Collins? I clicked on Harriet's profile, and saw that she was Harper's sister.


I walked down the corridor, and I saw Denis following me. Not again... Déjà Vu, a horrible thing. "Hey!" I snapped. "Please stop following me" I begged. He raised his hands up in defense and chuckled. "Alright, gorgeous" he said, walking right pass me.

I blinked twice, as he walked coolly away, and shrugged off the feeling and acted as if nothing happened. I avoided the thought and got to my car.


My fingers fiddled with the hem of my sweater, and I glanced up at the bright city in front of me. It's crazy how Denis was the one who opened my eyes and made me notice the beauty of this world that I was too blinded by my laptop to see.

"Hey" a voice said. I turned around to see Denis smiling. "You're everywhere" I laughed out. "Sure thing, Cupid" he snorted. Though it was summer, England was a miserable country, and it produced heavy rain commonly.

"Carina" he said, "Follow me". Without hesitation, I followed him. He motioned me to go to the end of the shops, and a huge brick wall was stacked. It was glued right beside a bakery. We walked to the end of the brick wall, and entered a new world; literally. It was like an undiscovered utopia.

"I must be in Narnia" I joked. The bright lights seemed to never dimmed down, and the glassy floor was coated in rain. It was like a stranded place, made out of beauty. "Wow" I gasped, as my eyes wandered around the place. "It's so beautiful."

Being allured as I was, I couldn't resist the temptation to roam around this place. It was like no one has ever entered this place. All the shops were abandoned, while the graffiti plastered the walls.

"Denis" I said with a frown. "You're with Harper, not me." I pointed out. He lifted his eyebrows up. "She hooked up with her new boyfriend, because I insisted them to" he explained. I nodded my head softly.

"Let's do something fun" he suddenly suggested. "We shall" I declared, giggling. He pulled out two cans of spray paint, and handed a lime green color to me. "Whoa" I started, "What are you gonna make me do with this?"

"Come on Car, just do what I say" he ordered. He pulled my hand, and gestured me to face a concrete wall. He pulled out his orange spray paint and squirted the substance. He dragged his arms around, to form a big letter of his initials.


A small smile formed on my lips. I drew a small flower right below the 'D', and clapped my hands in pure satisfaction. "It's beautiful" I squealed. His eyes were glued on me for an oddly long time. His face leaned closer to me, until his lips were pressed against mines. My eyes widened, and then I slowly kissed back.

His hands lowered, gripping on my hips, while our kiss still lingered. I rested two of my hands on his shoulders, and we slowly ended.

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