Strange encounters

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Dressing up was torture for me. I had to watch him cover up and endure his touches here and there, it was as if we were playing a game and I was looking forward to the end of it. He had left the room to get something and I was lost in fantasie land. I could picture him and me together and shuddered.

" will be the death of me if you keep thinking like that." He murmured against my troath while leaving sweet kisses behind. I almost lost my footing but his big hands grabbed my waist to hold me steady. I turned around in his arms and we were softly kissing each other and teasing each others lips. He groaned out and pulled back a bit. "Gen...Genny...f*ck baby I want you so bad right now but we have to go." 

I groaned out of protest and tried to get him to kiss me again but while I pulled him close the closet door burst open. My dress still wasn't zipped up properly and I squealed our in surprise. Blake quickly hid me behind him while turning towards the door. "Ah there you guys are, well lets go then. Can't keep us waiting forever!" The doors were pulled closed again and Blake started to laugh.

"Who was that?" I asked confused. He turned around with a big smile on his face and kissed my temple and quickly zipped up my dress before making his way out the closet. "Wait Blake! I..." I huffed out before I heard the bedroom door shut and loud giggled erupted from the living room. What the hell just happend!

I slowly made my way towards the living room only to notice Blake and a blond haired lady sitting closely together on the couch. They were whispering to each other and I could sense his joy trough our connection while I just felt confusion. A little giggle erupted here and there and I felt like I was invading some kind of private moment. I felt hurt but softly left the room and went out of our little apartment. 

I was wondering along the giant halls when I realized I had walked towards the dinning room. I could hear the laughter and swallowed down the anger and disappointment of having to go in here by myself. Maybe I was dramatic, maybe it was nothing. It was strange to me that after I have had his undivided attention from the moment I met him until that blond haired lady came in. Now I had been forgotten, it took him less then a second to make the choice to just leave me standing. I bet he didn't even realize. I could still feel the joy and happiness block everything else out trough our connection and it pissed me off.

I guess I had gotten spoiled with his attention but this was ridiculous! Who forgets an entire person! I bet I could just wonder along this house without anybody wondering where I was. That filled me with intense sadness and I figured it might be better to not go in at all. Trying to tell yourself to not be so dramatic was pretty hard. I had been alone for so long, running, alone. I had finally found a home and now I felt even more lost and alone, while being surrounded by people.

I tried to shake the depressing thoughts off but it was like trying to breath in water that was filling your lungs with every breath I took. It was painful and I was getting mad at myself and this entire situation. I had been pacing the hallway and had not noticed I had company. Soft knocking made me turn towards the sound and I noticed V standing there looking at me as if he understood why I was being this way.

"You okay?" He asked softly and I observed how different he was now then when I first met him. "Yes I'm okay..." His eyebrow raised as if to question my lie and I smiled at that.

"Yeah, not really okay. I'm confused, angry and hurt. I wouldn't even be able to tell you what happend." I said softly while nervously pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. He walked closer and gave me a kind smile. I felt surprisingly comfortable and safe in his company, that was a total opposite to my first impression of him.

I was looking at him with a questioning gaze. He smiled at my expression and laughed a little and I was shocked at the transformation of his face and body. He looked so relaxed, happy and carefree and it made me smile in response. I couldn't help it, it was contagious. "You are so different now." I said softly but I knew he heard me when he grimaced but nodded his head.

"I have my reasons, we can talk later." he said softly before stepping back while opening the door. I looked at him with confusion before I felt a familiar palm at the small of my back. I looked up in surprise while Blake send me a sweet smile before pulling me into the dinning room full of people who were standing looking at us walking in.

His father was rambling about us to his guests and I glanced over my shoulder to a grim looking V who gave me a nod before closing the door behind me. I felt intrigued and confused about this entire exchange. Why was Blake acting as if everything was fine, he didn't even ask me where I had been!

He stopped us at our chairs and bumped me slightly to make me pay attention and I automatically blushed and smiled shyly at the strangers surrounding me. People were ahh-ing and talking about how cute and pretty I was. I was secretly checking everyone out when I noticed the blond haired person that had been on my couch talking to my husband, making him forget about me. 

She hadn't caught me looking at her and had a smug look on her face while staring at Blake. I felt a flutter of excitement go trough my body and knew it wasn't me. I discreetly looked towards Blake and noticed he was looking back at the blond haired girl while biting his lip. To say I was hurt and shocked was an understatement but I pushed it down quickly while sitting down.

He took place next to me and maybe out of habit picked up my hand in his and kissed it softly while I felt even more confused. What the hell was happening here! I hadn't realized I had pulled my hand out of his and was ignoring his confusion and probing trough our bond. I was surprised to find I could block him out and decided to use that. 

My chin was grasped softly while pulled towards him and I avoided his eyes. "Somethings wrong, whats wrong? Did V do something,say something?" I pushed his hand away and shook my head no before ignoring his attempts to get my attention and decided to start talking to everyone but him.

I could feel his hurt and confusion banging against the block I pushed up but I refused to talk about it here with all these people watching and listening. Especially  with her in the same room! I knew that when this dinner was over something big was happening and my heart was aching and fear was filling me. I played my part very well nobody noticed, except for the husband next to me who was desperately trying to figure out what was going on.


Here is another chapter! I have succeeded while fighting all the odds stacked against me! No wifi and a broken keyboard is quite the challenge! 

Thank you for the votes and comments! I especially loved the comments! I like interacting with people who are reading this story of mine. I like to hear your thoughts or opinions. Its a great motivator and same goes for the little stars. It's a good feeling when someone finds your story worthy enough to give it a star :). So thank you for that. :) 

I hope you like this part to. It hurt me a little to write, even if I already know where its going some parts just come, flow out and surprise me just as much as they do you. I'm going back home on Tuesday so I will have a long train ride and WIFI!!!! So I will probably update again then.

 Until then read you later :)

P.S. its so cool to be able to go to demographics now and see where you all come from. There is this giant world map that gets bluer the more readers or procent of readers are reading this from a country! So cool! So have a good day where ever you are reading this! Thank you for finding me and liking this story :)

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