beautifully unfinished

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My question sounded like a shout to me in the silence surrounding us. I slowly pushed myself up from him and looked at my hands on his chest. " Why do you make me feel this way? I don't even know who you are, I don't even know who I am anymore." I whispered sadly. He shifted underneath me so he was lying a little higher up against the head board of the bed while holding onto my hip and stroking and rubbing it softly. I put my hand on his and he stopped moving it. It's not like I didn't want him to touch me it was just to much and it scared me how much I liked it. He picked up my hand and softly kissed my fingertips while his other hand softly tucked my long brown hair behind my ear.

" You are still Gennavieve. You are still the girl that grew up with her family and then had to run for her life. Reah is still your mother the one who raised you, kept you safe and protected you. You are still the girl loved by her and the rest of her family and friends. The family you have is just bigger then you knew before but that doesn't mean they love you any less or you can't love them. Ophelia is still your mother, she is still Reah to you. You are still brave and strong for staying alive so you could be with your family again. You decide who Gennavieve is. You can still hold on to all that makes you who you are. There are just new things that you will find a place for in your life and you decide if that changes who you are. Nothing and nobody can decide that for you, you are stronger then you think you are." He said softly while he whiped a tear from my cheek. " And I can easily tell you who I am. My name is Blake Grey and the man you call giant is my father Benjamin Grey. He is the Alpha and the raven haired beauty you like to call her is my mother Mirella Grey his mate and Luna. So that means that I will be the future Alpha when I find my Luna and we will guide and rule this pack when we are ready to do so." He said with a loving smile. I felt jealousy stir inside me and a sadness filled my heart and I started crying again. He quickly sat up while pulling me against his chest and started to rub my back. "Please don't cry.....please don't have cried so much already. I just want to see you smile again." He said softly while sadness coated his voice. "But...I..I..will lose" I cried out into his neck.

He pulled back and softly cradled my face in his hands. His thumbs softly whiped away the tears from my flushed and heated cheeks. I heard him let out a soft sigh and made me look into his beautiful and breath taking hazel eyes. Then he softly put his forehead against mine while letting out a shaky breath. " My sweet Gennavieve you are my mate, you are my Gennavieve, my Luna, my love, my life and my breath. You are the one that makes my soul complete, you are the reason I exist that I'm alive because without you I could not go on. You are my all." He said softly while his eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. I got lost in his eyes and I could see that all he said was true and sincere. On the one hand it scared me I was terrified of what he had said and what it meant and I wasn't nearly ready to accept it all, but on the other hand I could not be happier. My hand on his chest felt his heartbeat increase rapidly and I could feel it match my own erratic heartbeat. I let out a shaky breath and thoughts were spinning trough my mind and then he kissed me. The kiss was soft at first, sweet and loving but then it turned desperate like I was going to disappear and he would lose me when it was over, I kissed him back just as passionately. His plump lips fit mine perfectly and they moved together like we never had done anything else. Like we had kissed like this a thousand times before. My hands were gripping his biceps and I moved one of them into his thick luscious black hair and pulled it softly, while one of his hands held me pressed against him and the other roamed my body exploring all my curves. I pulled away gasping for air and he took the chance to start to kiss and nibble on my neck and shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and clung to him. He let out a shaky breath and held me back against him while he placed soft butterfly kisses to my shoulder and collarbone area. He pulled as back into the previous position where I was lying on top of him. He held me close while he whispered in my ear. " I finally found you." He kissed the skin under my ear softly and I snuggled closer to him and felt my eyes close. I let out a sigh of contentment and he started to stroke my neck softly after he pushed my hair aside. " go to sleep my love, I'll keep you safe." He murmured softly. And so I did.

*i would like to thank my 6 beautiful hearts on this story, Dora, Char, Clayre, Smile and Jazz. Plus a extra thanks to Jazz for being my first comment on this story. Thanks so much! I hope you like the chapter, I had it different at first but the screen froze and I lost it all 😩😫! So I was mad and sad and tried to rewrite it the best I could! Thank you and pleaand please comment your thoughts! 💖* ok so this is here because I started this story on qoutev and putting it on here to! If you want you can check it out there to my username is heleenr88 thanks

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