Thank you Harper.....

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I had walked into an oasis, it was heaven for information. Files and binders and cases full of information. Thanks to the very OCD person who labeled it all and made this very handy guide to finding whatever it is you need.

I must have been in here for ages, there was some information but not a lot. I had finally found out about my origins. Who my parents where, what clan I was from and even a signed document stating that even if we had not found our mates by the age of sixteen either me or my sister would be mated to Blake.

Guess in the end we would not have a choice what so ever. A wedding between our clans or packs was going to happen. I had noticed some information had been taken out. Some pages were missing according to the OCD index listing on the binder.

Thankfully I had also found out that Blake had spoken the truth about not filing papers on marring Harper and joining there clan. That binder was mostly empty with a few additions, they were mostly about meetings and future plans. Nothing in there stated that they were promised to get married or had signed any agreement.

Somewhere around here should have also been a binder with my name on it. It was nowhere to be found. I did find a additional binder that had some information on me. Some had pictures of different girls that looked like me, I guess they used this to find me. Sighting information and other information on who my friends where or locations or anything that would give them more information about me was in there.

Kind of creepy if you ask me.

Then I found out why I needed to be mated before I turned eighteen. If you had not found your mate at eighteen that meant you could go into a frenzy to find your mate. You would shift into your animal and go onto a rampage until a male shifter would catch you and claim you. You would be forever his even if he wasn't your mate. If the male in question had marked you even if he had his true mate then you would be his slave. That was unsettling. It did not happen a lot apparently but the fact that it had happened and the results were terrifying. You could completely lose yourself, the reason why you are who you are. Your character would be dying like a flame without oxygen. You would seize to exist and only serve your master.

I guess marrying Blake was starting to sound better by the second. I would not want to go crazy and then be claimed by someone and be stuck with them. And then there was Blake, I would die if I lost him.

I let out a sigh and figured it was time to find  some people to mingle with. I don't think I was suppose to be here but I hoped I could make a trip back here because I needed to learn more. I felt like they hid away some information as if they knew I would find this place. If that was the case then would some of the information here be faked? What if it wasn't, did I really want to go and find out for myself.

I shuddered at the thought but I also felt like there was something missing in this little goldmine and I was very frustrated. I was making my way towards the door after I put everything back the way I found it and was surprised when it opened on its own.

Caught red handed that's what they say right. He looked not so happy with me being here. I swallowed down a lump and gave him a tiny wave. I really did not know what else I could have done.

"Do I even want to know why you are in here? How did you even get in here, the door is always locked. I would love to hear your excuse for this one." He had crossed his arms and was starring me down.

He even looked amazing angry, how is this fair!

"I have a right to know things, if we are suppose to get married in a month non the less I need to know things that people here are not telling me. I know things are being kept from me and it doesn't make trusting any one easy."

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