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I was floating on my back, it felt so relaxing and I let out a sigh. I was comfortable and warm and it smelled delicious. I snuggled closer to the warmth and let myself drift off. I suddenly my nice comfortable bubble being burst by the feeling of cold sheets. "" I mumbled under my breath. Hearing a soft chuckle and feeling my hair being brushed away from my face before two soft lips pecked my forehead. I tried to open my eyes but a soft voice that sounded like melted chocolate to my ears whispered to me to go to sleep. I let out a content sigh and felt myself drift off.

The murmering of different voices slowly woke me up. I blinked my eyes after bright light attacked my vision. When my eyes adjusted to the light several backs were turned to me. There were three males and two females in the room whispering angrily at each other. I stretched my limbs slowly and softly and quietly made my way out of the bed I was put in. I tiptoed my way over to the window and tried to find a way to open it. A soft whimper left my mouth when I noticed I had no way out unless I wanted to run past the people and make a break for the door. My whimper alerted the people in the room to the fact that I was awake and trying to escape. One of the males was huge, he had dark green eyes a big beard and a broad build. He looked like a pillar of muscle. The other male was significantly smaller and thinner. Although he didn't lack muscle he looked very fast. The first female had beautiful thick black hair, sparkling green eyes and a athletic build. She was holding onto the big male and gave me a small smile. My eyes shifted over to the most beautiful man I had ever seen. A gasp left my mouth and my cheeks flamed red instantly. It was the same man from the clearing. His eyes were roaming my body and then our eyes met and it was hard to breath. He gave me a warm smile and bit his lip. I felt myself squirm by the action and wished he would bite my lip. My eyes widened at the thought and I quickly glanced away when I felt my cheeks burn bright red. A hearty chuckle left the big male and he patted the guys shoulder. When I looked at the last person In the room I was met with familiar eyes filled with tears.

Schock and relief and worry ran trough my body. Why was she here, what is going on? Does this mean we are safe or trapped? I found my voice and stared at her while tears filled my eyes. "Mother?!" I croaked out.

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