Truth hurts

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"mom! Mommy....!" My voice trembled and sounded horse to my own ears. It was her, she was standing there right in front of me. My legs gave out on me and I collapsed while my body started shaking. Tears started streaming down my face and I broke, I felt my guarded heart shatter. I was that same scared 15 year old that feared for her life, she was the only reason I had been running for so long. I heard footsteps approach me and a familiar comforting smell surrounded me. Her small arms grabbed a hold of me and she started to comfort me. I felt like I was back home. I was safe, I hoped I was safe.

" O honey, it's ok I'm here now...shhh baby it's ok." Her voice was like a lullaby to my ears. It felt like I just had a really bad dream and she was there to take all the bad away like she had done so many times before. I clung to her silently crying, letting out all the fear and anger and relief flud trough me. A gruff voice ruined my safe oasis, I wasn't alone with her in this room. I felt my walls build up within me and the tears dry up it was time to face the music. I whipped my face clean and pushed myself of the ground while pulling my mother behind me. "Who are you and why are we here." I said while I felt all my muscles tense up.

he laughed he just stood there and laughed this big rumbling laugh. I was shocked I must have looked shocked because he slapped his knee while laughing a bit more. Words had left me at this point. He must be crazy completely insane. Who is this man I silentky wondered to myself. I felt my mom squeeze my hand and rub my back and then he said the craziest thing.

" She is a sight to see, she looks just like them." He said with awe. "She truly does my dear." The sweet voice came from the raven haired beauty by his side. " Ophelia you will never know how grateful I am to you." The giant said with a sad smile. I was confused who the hell is Ophelia and why is he starring at my mom when he said that. "I have the wrong person sir, that's not my moms name." I said softly. He laughed again before he said the craziest thing. "O but my dear girl that's not your mom, she is your guardian and she worked for your parents." This time I laughed. They looked at me like I was the crazy one. I felt my mom squeeze my hand to want me not to say anything stupid but why would I hold it in now. " truly are crazy. Completely out of your mind. That woman standing behind me is my mother and her name is Reah. You clearly have the wrong people so maybe it's best if you stop hunting us and let us go." I said in a deathly serious voice.

He was starring at me now and he turned back to my mother who had placed herself by my side. "She doesn't know?!" He asked in a flat tone. I could feel the danger behind it, I felt her shudder at the tension that was rising. "Sir please I had to. She was a danger a curious creature. We had to rope her in and the only way to make her listen was to act as her parents and so we did. It was best for the situation we had to keep her safe and where better then at the enemy that had been hunting her all this time as a family of wolves." My mom stood there pleading to this giant. "What is going on mom? What are you saying? Why are you calling him sir?" I was starting to panick again. "Honey it's ok, I'm still me. I'm still the one that tucked you in and helped you when you where hurt. I'm still the mom you know and love. But he is right I'm not your birth mother and I am your gaurdian. You are my daughter! I cared for you and loved your like you were my own and I still do little bug." She said with tears in her eyes. I felt my body shut down at this new revelation and the only thing going trough my mind was the fact that she called me little bug again.

What felt like hours where just a few minutes. I was back in the bed, how did I even get back here I wondered to myself. "So if she is telling the truth and the giant tells the truth, then who am I and where are my parents?" I asked in a monotone voice. Amusement sparked the Giants eyes at my nickname for him but he quickly regained his composure and started to speak the true tale of my life.

" O my dear girl, I'm so sorry I have to tell you this." He said with sad eyes. " Your parents are the most amazing people I had the privilege of knowing. Your father was my best friend growing up. Our packs where great allies. We always spend time with each other at great moments in our life. We met our mates at the same time because they were close friends also. We were married on the same day and we were there to celebrate the birth of our children. Until one night I found your father deathly wounded on our treaty line. He told me that wolves had attacked his pack and killed everyone they could find. Before he passed he told me they where there trying to capture and kill you. He said you where alive and had fled with Ophelia and Remond. He knew you were safe and he had great hope that your sister made it out to. I swore to him I would find you and bring you back to us alive and that I would find your sister. He passed on shortly after that and we have been looking for you ever since. The night you had to run for your life the wolves had found out who you were. We came just in time to safe Ophelia. She told us you had fled and we have been looking for you along with the wolves ever since. These wolves are hunting you for some stupid legend they made up. I'm not sure the real reason for this obsession with you but now you are back where you belong. You must have always wondered why you where so different from everyone around you. You are not an ordinary wolf. You are a shapeshifter. You have powers they can't even dream off. It is time to learn about who you are and take your rightful place in this world. You are your parents daughter." He said in an emotional voice.

" I see her in you." The sweet sounding raven haired beauty said while starring at a painting on the wall. "That my dear is your mother with your older sister." She said in a sad tone. "If this is all true and I am who you claim I am. Where is my sister?" The word felt forced and weird coming out from my mouth. I was in shock and I didn't know who to trust or who I was anymore. Was my name even my name. While my mind was spiralling out of control a warm sensation tickled down my spine. I could feel his warm touch on my arm and looked up into his beautiful eyes. Before I felt tiredness claim my body I clearly heard the word mate. "We found our mate." She purred before I let myself slip into the darkness.

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