Kitchen affairs

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After our little talk Blake left me with instructions to get to the kitchen and the library while he went to have a talk with his dad. I still felt uneasy about the entire situation and felt the need to investigate. My instinct has always gotten me out of sticky and dangerous situations so why not follow my gut feeling now.

A loud rumbling noise reached my ears and I let out a sigh. Ok so maybe my gut needs to be fed before I can go into Sherlock Holmes mode. The thought of having my own Dawson made me think of D. I let out a snort at that thought because she would be the worst sidekick to have. You can't be sneaky with D, she would get you caught in the first 5 minutes with her loud personality and she was easily distracted. I miss her she made it more fun. I quickly wiped away the stray tear that had the nerve to leave my eye and went on the hunt for the kitchen. My stomach growled in response as if trying to say it agreed with my choice.

The journey was interesting to say the least. This place was giant and beautifully decorated, so ofcourse I was easily distracted by the grandor of it all. Thank the heavens I finally found the kitchen I needed more fuel to be able to discover more of this place. I went trough the kitchen like a tornado and found heaven in a jar. A gasp left my lips when my fingers connected to the cool glas of the jar. "It's really there, baby I missed you. You dont even know how much I missed you." If someone would have been here they would have definitly thought I had lost my marbles but anyone who adores Nutella would have the exact same response when they had to be parted with the goodness for almost a month!

I peeked around the room and even went as far as to check the hallway outside the kitchen to see if anyone was near the kitchen before I did something you should always do alone. I quickly unscrewed the top and noticed it was still sealed and let out a excited sqeek. I quickly removed the foil on the top as best as I could and stuck my finger in the best thing on this earth and brought the goodness to my mouth. The deliciousness made the hairs on my neck and arms rise and I let out the loudest moan on earth. I closed my eyes lost in a Nutella haze.

A soft groan alerted me to the fact that someone had entered the kitchen. I was not alone anymore! I spun myself towards the intruder with my finger still in my mouth and was suprised to see Blake stand there with a look off pure desire in his eyes. I slowly released my finger from my mouth and with a guilty expression on my face I softly spoke the most ridiculous words. "I can explain!"

His eyes had never left my mouth and his eyes looked even darker now a smirk graced his face and I felt my cheeks flame. The kitchen that felt nice and room now felt like a boiling room where two people would just fit in. I felt a shudder go trough my body while he was still staring at my lips like he wanted to devour them. I tried to swallow but my mouth felt as dry as the desert. Suddenly he was right in front of me and I staring at his chest. His finger tilted my chin up to look at him and I was just looking at him. I might have lost my brain somewhere along the lines. "You have some Nutella right there" his voice was as rich sounding as the deliciousness in a Nutella jar. I went to lick it of my finger but he was faster then I expected.

His mouth enclosed around my finger and he softly sucked of the rest of the Nutella. I could not even be mad at him for taking my Nutella because of the havoc he was putting my body trough. Tingles went trough my finger and the feeling of his mouth on my finger made my breath hitch and body shake. I let out a small moan and my face turned red as a tomato when I realized what sound I had let escape my mouth. His eyes where the darkest green with gold specks in them and in seconds his lips connected with mine. Blake let out a low growl in the back of his troath when my fingers had tangled themselves in his hair and I pulled softly on the soft locks. It was the most amazing kiss I had ever had. It made my toes curl and set my body on fire. That wasn't even the best part. It was the best kiss ever because he tasted like Nutella and Blake and Nutella was something so amazing I could not even put it in words.

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