For better or nerves...

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To say I had a slight panic attack after we left the office and had to go and get ready for this wedding ritual would be the understatement of the century.

This was not how I had pictured my wedding. Who would want this type of wedding just thrown together in 3 hours and in the backyard of your future in law's.

I was crying....they were silent tears and it did not matter they would not stop. This is not how this is suppose to go at all. I was so not ready and when they started talking about mating I would turn into a 2 year old having a tantrum and shouting and screaming until I was restrained and the fit was over.

Ophelia had been called to me to help calm me down but it was all in vain. I felt so alone and lost in it all, I had first looked at her with eyes full of hope but when she came over and started helping them to prepare me for my walk down the isle I was shattered.

Betrayed and hurt and scared out of my mind. Is that the feeling of every bride walking down the isle I really hope not because that would be horrible.

They had washed my face and put a cooling pack on it because my eyes and cheeks had become red and puffy from all the tears. Ophelia was brushing my hair while Blake's mom and some other girl were going trough clothes to find me something bride worthy.

"Look mommy this one should look fabulous on her and it's white. If we get some small flowers and stuff we can make a cute flower crown and I have some great bracelets and other things to add to it!" She let out an excited squeal and gave her mom a hug and ran out of the room to look for flowers.

I guess she was Blake's sister, why had I not met her before? I decided to just close my eyes and stop thinking all together and just give myself to the darkness and hope it was all a really bad dream.


Someone shook me gently and I opened up my tired eyes. My entire body felt tired and drained of energy. I locked eyes with Blake's mom and she gave me a gentle smile.

"Honey it is time to put the dress on, you have to get up now."

I let out a sigh and pushed my self up with a grunt and almost fell backwards when I stood on my feet. Ophelia grabbed my arm and helped steady me and gave me a soft smile that was probably suppose to be encouraging.

Well she could smile all she wanted nothing was gonna make me want to do this with a smile on my face.

I was helped into the dress and after it was all zipped up and I was prodded around some more I was guided towards the kitchen and out the backdoor.


I had been looking at the ground the entire trip down from the room until I could feel the grass trickling my feet.

The soft glow of light and soft music playing made me lift my head up and look around. My mouth fell open at what I saw.

Small lanterns were strung along tall trees and bushes and sheer fabric was draped around the few chairs that were placed in front of a pagoda.

The pagoda was covered in flowers and fabric and lights and looked like it came out of a fairy tale. A white runner was in front of me that went all the way towards the pagoda and I wanted to gaze at it some more but I was guided towards a large row of bushes that hid me from view.

I could hear voices and people started to gather into the ceremony area. I heard Blake's fathers booming laugh and a nervous chuckle that could only belong to Blake.

The thought of Blake being nervous to and waiting for me at the end of the isle was making me feel a little bit better but I can't say I was happy and ready for this.

People were shushed and the music started to swell and I got some flowers handed to me and Ophelia grabbed my hand and placed it in her's and pulled me along.

I was back to looking at the ground and let her guide me towards were I needed to go. I could hear gasps and whisperers around me and I got curious so I glanced around to see some people I vaguely recognized and others who were strangers to me.

I heard a loud gasp and growl come from the pagoda and my eyes connected with Blake's.

He looked other worldly he was so handsome in his tuxedo. I stopped walking and breathing at the same time. I was stunned by his beauty and I could see his dad hold his arm in a tight grip because Blake was ready to walk over and just carry me away somewhere.

I felt a blush creep up and Blake's eyes sparked and a soft smile graced his lips. I could not help but shyly smile back at him.

We did not break eye contact and at some point my hand was put into his and I could feel my body respond and warm up at his touch.

I don't  really know what the priest said that was binding us in holy matrimony, I only remember Blake saying I do with a big sweet smile and I think I heard my voice say I do but I can't be sure I was to mesmerized by his eyes and smile to care.

When he declared us man and wife and told Blake maybe two or three times that he could kiss his bride my father in law decided to be funny and pinch Blake's arm.

He gave his dad a look and turned back to me with a sweet smile. He kissed my forehead softly first and then kissed my nose and then he gave the most amazing and sweetest kiss on my lips and after that I was just lost in a sea of feeling and emotions.

It was official I was a married woman now.

People started to hoot and holler at us and were clapping and shouting congratulations at us. I felt my face burn up at the fact that people had witnessed that mind shattering kiss and Blake chuckled softly in my ear after he had pulled me into his sweet and dare I say loving embrace.

I could feel a lot of things even things I was not feeling myself. It was a weird thing to say the least and Blake could see the confusion in my eyes.

He smiled softly at me and kissed my cheek and I could feel the happiness and tenderness radiate from him.

My eyes widened at my realization. I was able to feel his emotions now because we had a deeper connection as man and wife. I felt a sense of pride fill me but I knew it was not my own.

I guess he was proud of me for the fact that I figured it out so fast for myself and I gave him a small smile and gazed up at him in wonder.

My husband....I have a husband and it's Blake. I knew I felt not ready for it all and I knew deep down I still wasn't but in this moment I could say I was truly happy and excited to be married to him.

He captured my lips again in a sweet kiss and then intertwined our fingers and pulled me trough the crowed that had surrounded us.

Realization hit me and nerves started to attack my system and I could feel Blake's nerves and concern for me grow.

This emotion sharing thing was weird and scary because we were able to feel each other.

I knew what was suppose to happen next and I tried to swallow but my mouth had dried up.

"Don't worry baby, let's get something to drink and eat and maybe dance a bit. I'm just as nervous ans scared as you since I have never done any of this before either."

His cheeks were blazing red at his little confession and I could not help but feel amazed and grateful for the fact that he was a virgin like myself and he also had no clue as to what to do.

I squeezed his hand and gave him a shy smile while my face turned into a tomato and whispered some encouraging words in his ear.

He gave me a sweet smile and pulled me to him.

"It will all work out and be magical, how could it not when you are mine to have and hold."

I blushed at his words and looked down, he pulled my face up to his and kissed me until I forgot everything around me and I got lost in him.

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