Blake Grey

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My father was outraged when they returned yet again without her. His anger radiated in waves of his giant frame. He was a massive man and he should be he was Alpha for a reason. He was a strict but fair man and his patience was running thin. For years they have been trying to find and catch them. Almost three years ago he caught the mother but she was a smart one and trained her daughter well. She has been evading us for almost three years now. Father was getting desperate we needed to capture her before her 18th birthday or all would be lost.

After hearing the useless excuses and ramblings of the tracker she interrupted them with a harsh growl. "ENOUGH!" It was so loud we all winced in pain and felt the house shake. This wasn't good I thought to myself. I never heard the real reason why we needed this girl so badly but it was never a good thing to defy your Alpha. "Blake your up." He growled. "Don't come back empty handed and keep her alive at all cost! Do you understand son!" He said in his strict voice. "Yes sir, don't worry I told you I needed to get involved earlier." I said with a smirk. My father shook his head. "There are reasons why you needed to stay away but this is our last chance or we will be to late." He said while letting out a sigh. "She is smart and so is her shifter, you need to out smart her and catch her quick. She has been spotted along the trail at the hunters cabin, bring her home Blake." He said in a tired voice. I nodded my head and got my best trackers and hunters together. They smelled the blankets we had collected from her previous house and we went hunting.

She was easily found. She was interesting and careful. We needed to observe her before I could come up with an effective plan. And to my wonderful suprise she shifted into a beautiful wolf. Snow white with black and grey lines and bright blue eyes. I laughed quietly to myself at her antics until she disappeared further into the woods. I turned to my right hand man and saw he had the same smirk on his face. We were perched on a rock ledge while spying on her. She had no clue we were here, she couldn't smell us the wind was blowing our way so her sent was coating the air around us. I felt him stir in me as if he was waking up from a long sleep. The anticipation in my body grew at catching this lovely little creature. I licked my lips while thanking the goddes for this lucky break. "Stupid little girl for shifting." Eric grinned next to me. I felt him growing angry inside me and I let out a warning growl. Eric's eyebrows almost dissapeared into his hairline he was so suprised. I had never growled like that to him before. It even took me by suprise. I sighed and motioned for him to follow me to inform the rest of the team of what we saw.

The group was patiently waiting for further instructions. Eric let out an aggravated humpf and joined the others. Clearly pissed at my behavior from earlier. We could talk about that later it was time to focus. I cleared my troath and informed them of all we had seen and let them in on my genius plan. We waited until she returned and we were sure she had fallen asleep. Marcus disguised his sent and looked in the cabin to see her sleeping, he noticed her body stirring so he quickly made his way back. "She is stirring, her shifter sensed me." He said in a soft whisper. "Well, then our little one will be out in a little bit and the hunt is on." I said with a smirk. I could feel my shifter get excited in my body. "Catch out little one." He purred at me. I snickered at his reaction. "She is out, she is moving." One of the trackers announced. "The hunt is on." I said while glee filled me. "Let's go get her." I said while the man smiled and nodded their heads disseapearing into the thick forrest.

We we were on her trial and closing in. I ordered the trackers to shift and push her into the clearing while me, Eric and Evan would close her in from the other side. We got there faster and hid in the rock formation until we heard branches slam and break. The sound of her heartbeat and breathing met us next. I could smell her blood and I felt him growl inside of me. "HURT!" He roared in my head. I felt anger course trough my vaines not understanding why. She slid into view and panick and fear filled the air. Eric and Evan started to get excited and moved around her closing her in. She was trying to climb on the rock that I was on, leaving a bloody handprint behind. I heard her mumble to herself in fear and felt the need for a dramatic introduction. I flipped of the rock in front of her and the rest of the pack came forward. The fear radiating of her body was intoxicating to my senses. I felt a high I never experienced before. I turned around slowly while pushing my hair out of my face and smirked to the ground. "Well who do we have here, we have been looking for you." I huskily spoke. I could hear her breath intake and bit my lip and looked up.

She was a pretty little thing. Full brown wavy hair a little dirty and bloody but nice non the less. She was around 5.7 tall and had a very nice built. Curves in all the right places athletic and slim. I moved closer to her until I was in front of her. Her smell was intoxicating I felt him groan inside me. I grabbed her chin feeling the need to see her eyes. She refused to open them when I asked her. My shifter growled impatiently and made me tighten my grip. A delicious sound left her full lips and I felt the hairs in my neck rise. My shifter got so impatient he made me shout at the intoxicating creature. She opened her eyes wide and I was speechless. Beautiful dark brown eyes stared back at me before she let out a moan and I quickly caught her in my arms before she hit the ground. "Ours...ours." He kept repeating in my mind. "Protect.. Keep safe." He ordered me. I nodded my head and picked her up. "Let's go bring her home my father is waiting." They bowed their heads and off we went. I softly stroke her cheek and followed them home. Who is she? I wondered.

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