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I didn't realize how tired I was. It was so hard to open my eyes but there was a nagging feeling that tried to force me to get up. I grumbled and tried to turn over so I could snuggle back into my warm little nest. "GET UP!!!! GET UP NOW!!!!" Caia roared at me. Instead fear filled me and I felt panick rising in my system. I stumbled up and started pulling clothes on and gathering my stuff. I was never this unprepared. I was lured into a false sense of security. "We both were but we need to get going, don't blame yourself we just need to get out safely."

While packing up some extra food and zipping up my backpack I silently agreed with her. We stepped out of the cabin and I carefully inspected the surrounding area. Nothing seemed out of place it was calm and quiet. I sniffed the air and all seemed fine even Caia was surprised. Was it all in our heads, did I have another nightmare? What was going on? I let out a deep breath that I was holding and felt my tense body relax a little."Why did you freak out? What did you sense?" I asked her. "I don't know..but just in case lets just go maybe it was a foreshadowing." Caia said with a sigh. I felt her relax more in my mind and I started following a deer trail trough the Forrest. It felt alive and there were sounds here and there. Some birds were chirping and some tiny critters were active in the bushes. It was late and dark close to midnight, the moon was bright in the sky. "Maybe that's why your antsy?" I said to Caia. She let out a bark of laughter. "The moon has no effect on us it never has." And right she was. It was weird because everyone in my family and pack besides my mother and I had to shift when the moon was out. Although sometimes my mother also needed to shift. It was weird how I was so different from everybody else.

We stumbled upon a clearing with a fishing shack and a big pond that reflected the beautiful light of the moon. I stared at it in awe it was truly magical. Even Caia was silently admiring the beauty of it all. I took my backpack of and put it down inside the shack. It had two doors on either side of it. Inside was just room to sit on a few chairs with a old wood stove that probably heat up the place for winter fishing. I decided to take a little break and have a little snack and drink some water. I was late to notice how everything was quiet. The hairs on my neck started to rise. This was not good. Nothing around me made sound not a peep was heard. The silence was deafening. Silence equals danger, something was off. I needed to run! I grabbed my emergency bag and sniffed the air. I could smell them coming closer. I sprinted out the door into the opposite direction and urged myself to go faster. They picked up their pace. I could feel the ground thunder and panick started to swell in my chest. I couldn't be caught that would be the end of me. I needed to go faster and I needed Caia to give me the extra boost. "Come on, come on." I urged her on trough gritted teeth. "I...I'm trying...I cant o Goddess I cant!"she exclaimed in my head.

Fear fludded my system. This was it I was going to die, this can't be the end I haven't even graduated high school yet! I could feel them gaining on me. My entire body broke out in a cold sweat and goosebumps covered my skin. It was like I could feel their hot breath in my neck. I scrambled trough the bushes and snagged my hand on a branch. I couldnt feel the pain but I felt the hot liquid drip down my fingers. I heard their howls and growling intensifying. Shivers started to attack my body. My legs gave out and I slid down a little hill into a clearing surrounded by boulders. I felt the rocks dig into my skin and forced myself up. I gritted my teeth trough the pain and tried to climb up a boulder that stuck out. My hand was to slippery and I couldn't get a grip and I wasn't strong enough to lift myself up with one hand. I was trapped I had no way out. Tears clouded my vision and I ran my hands trough my hair gripping it while trying to come up with a way to escape. "No,no, no,no....please.." I panted out desperately. They are here I can feel them watching me.

Out of nowhere a body flew over my head and landed a few feet away from me. I was glued to the ground and could not move a limb out of fear. They started to fill the clearing. Some growled at me and some snapped their jaws at me. They were giant, bigger then I ever encountered. What type of wolves where these. My mouth fell open en my eyes widened in fear. The person in front of me slowly turned around. At first I thought it was an old man but I was shocked when I found someone standing there who could not have been older then 20. He pushed his hair back and had a smirk on his face. He hadn't looked at me yet and was biting his lip. "Well who do we have here. We have been looking for you." He said in a husky voice. He slowly looked up and I quickly looked to the ground. I was afraid of his eyes, I didn't want to see a murdering glance in them. I was afraid of his anger. My body was shaking in fear and I heard him move closer to me. I could see his black boots and felt his hand rufly pull my chin up. I looked away from his face and pressed my eyes close. "Look at me." He said in a strict tone. I refused and I felt him press my chin harder. I let out a moan it felt like he was breaking my bones. "LOOK AT ME!!!!" He shouted while forcing my face to his face. I opened my eyes and I lost my breath. They were breathtakingly green with flecks of brown and gold. And that was the last thing I remeber before passing out.

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