Secret meeting

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The shower helped me clear my head and think about things I did not have time to think about. I was so suprised by all the other secrets and revelations I didn't have the room to think about all the other million questions I should have concerned myself with. What am I? What do they want with me? Can I trust them? What about Blake? He is my mate but does that mean I can trust him. Yeah he makes me feel safe and comfortable and loved but that doesnt mean its true. He doesn't even know me.... I let out a deep sigh and figured it was time to leave the bathroom and ask some questions and find the truth if they wanted to give that to me or not, I would make sure I would get my answer.

He wasn't here, he left the room. Does this mean I can leave it to? Well I wanted answers so why be a good girl now and wait when I could just go out and get them myself. I slowly made my way over to the door and listened for signs of anyone near. The coast was clear so I decided to take a chance and explore. This place was huge and this was just the hallway. It was high and wide with giant windows that let in beautiful colored Sunshine trough the stained panes. I could see deep dark green forest surrounding us, with a few mountain peaks here and there. The carpet runner beneath my feet felt soft and lush and was a deep navy blue with a cream trim. The paintings on the wall where old and a little creepy with stern looking man and woman. Apperantly nobody knew how to smile in the dark ages. I grinned at my little joke and kept moving down the hallway listening for footsteps or talking before I turned a corner. It felt very misson impossible because I had chills running down my spine and my heart was in my troath.

A loud crashing sound and shouting made me jump and clutch at my chest. What the pickles was that! Muffled voices could be heared until another person yelling my name made me press forward. They were talking about me...but why? I slowly crept my way forward and noticed the door was cracked. It was hanging of its hinges and could not close properly anymore. Well that made it slightly easier to listen to all that was going on behind door number 1.

"She is my mate! The deal is off. I didn't even want to do this in the first place! I only did it because my dad and your dad decide on this. I was never consulted and asked for my opinion. Leave your not wanted here, not then and definetly not now!" That was Blakes voice! What deal? I scooted closer because the next voice was suprisingly soft and made the hairs in my neck rise.

"I don't care if she is your mate! You are mine the deal was made, the papers are filed there is no way to get out of it this time." she let out a sinister chuckle and I felt goosebumps rise on my skin. Who is this girl?

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but those papers were never filed. I made sure of that myself, the deal was never valid anyway since I havent signed anything. I was never going to either. Did you really think I was going to sign my life away to be the husband of a power hungry slut like yourself. You must be not all there if you think it was ever going to happen Harper." Blake let out a low chuckle. "You are beneath me, not even worth my time. Did you really think I didn't know your real motivations for becoming my wife. And besides that your flings with most of the man in your pack is not helping either. I wonder who would be stupid enough to let you put your claws in them." He sounded so evil so dark while talking to this Harper girl. It unsettled me because this was a side of him I had not seen before and I really did not like it.

The sound of stomping footsteps towards the door made me scurry away to the nearest place to hide behind. My heart was hammering out of my chest and I was silently praying I would not get caught. I had a feeling I wanted to avoid this girl at all cost. "YOU ASSHOLE! YOU WILL REGRET THIS! JUST YOU WAIT! I'LL MAKE SURE YOUR MATE IS SAFE AND TAKEN CARE OF BECAUSE YOU WILL BE MINE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!" The door was slammed so hard it flew passed the desk I was hiding under. I smothered the gasp that was trying to leave my lips. When I saw very tan legs with high pink spiked stilletos stomp passed me to go towards the stairs. Even the way she was stomping away made me scared of her. It was probably not the smartest decision Blake made to piss her off. But this deal that was made, the fact that the words husband and you will be mine were yelled in this argument. It made my heart hurt and break slightly. How could they have done this, made this deal with this demon like person. I was glad Blake said what he did but did that make it true. Did he really try to get away and out of this deal since the moment it was suggested?

Two big hands yanked me out from underneath the desk and I let out a loud scream and was about to sink my teeth into his arm when I noticed the eyes I loved so much look at me in a disapproving way. I was in trouble...mission failed.

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