Difficult digestion

22 2 1

The dinner was coming close to an end and I felt the need to escape the room before I was going to be attacked with questions from Blake. I discreetly moved my chair back to get up but his hand stopped me from leaving. "Where are you going?" He murmured softly and I noticed people looking at us. I gave everyone a kind smile before I turned to him.

"I need to use the restroom, I was trying to not draw the attention babe..." I gave him a loving smile even though it was hard for me to sound and act kind when I was filled up with anger and betrayal. He gave me a soft smile back and pecked my hand softly before letting me go. "Come back quickly sweetheart." I heard the rest of the table cooing at how cute we were and it took all of me to not roll my eyes. I smiled and nodded before leaving noticing how the blonds eyes were on Blake's every move and how jealous she seemed to look.

I started to believe Blake might have had a preference for blonds and wondered why he was even remotely attracted to me or was he even attracted to me at all?! I was so occupied with my brain and insecurities that I hadn't realized I was in the bathroom and quickly locked the door behind me. I needed to figure things out and I needed time to think of the best way to deal with this problem, if it even was a problem. I sighed while pulling my hair out of its creation and felt the locks tickle my arms as they fell down. I shook out my hair and loved the tingling feeling of my scalp when all the tension was released.

The noise of the doorknob turning took me out of my thoughts, I watched as it kept turning more violently and the person behind the door smashed their palm against it in frustration. "I know you are in there just open the fûcking door you bîtch!" I didn't recognize the hostile voice but assumed it had to be the blond that was grating my patience. Why the hell was she even following me! I was starting to get pissed off at this entire situation, the excessive banging on the door was only making my temper worse.

I ripped open the door and stood glaring in hers shocked face. I released the door I was still holding and let it bash to the ground. "What...!" I barked out at her and she locked eyes with me. I observed how she was trying to put a front up, I guess she hadn't realized I was stronger then I looked. "I...I was...you need to.." She stuttered out while checking out the damage I had done. "Well spit it out.....I have no patience left for blabbering whores!" I growled out and she looked up with a glint of anger.

"You need to leave here, leave Blake. He is not yours to keep, he doesn't want you anyway." I held up my finger with a bored look on my face. "How many of you blonds does he have?" She looked surprised and slightly hurt. I let out a bitter chuckle and shook my head. "I don't know what he promises you all but I have started to loose my patience with all the whining about me needing to leave. I didn't come here, he found me." I could see tears form in her eyes but she had a determined look on her face.

"Stop lying! Blake loves me, you are just for show!" She yelled out in anger. I was about to tear her a new one when all of a sudden we turned at the same time. "Gennevive! What the hell is going on here!" We both started talking at the same time and then it clicked. Her name....she had the same name as me. I knew they had been looking for me, I guess there was more going on then they were willing to share. He looked slightly panicked and I could feel his shock and fear. What did he need to fear, was I not suppose to find out certain things. I was quietly observing how she ran to him for comfort and he held her away from before coming to me. The look on her face broke my heart a little. Betrayal, hurt, anger, love, pain it was all there swirling in her eyes along with so many questions.

"What the hell happened are your okay?!" He looked around at the destruction surrounding me and I finally took the time to glance at what I did. I had not just ripped the door from its hinges, I had pulled off the entire doorframe and a part of the wall. To say I was surprised and shocked was an understatement. How did this happen! I was strong yes but this was crazy! "All these walls and doors are reinforced and tested to whit stand supernatural attacks. It takes effort just to break the door down, how did you manage to do this?" He looked shocked and terrified. I felt myself fill with excitement at his fear for my strength, he better be scared I had a lot to discuss with this..this...person that I married!  

"Don't really know or care to explain to you. It's not like you share everything with me or hide anything from me. It's not like we are married or anything and promised to be honest to each other or to even care....right Blake? I couldn't help the slightly shrill tone that came out. I was trying to act all cool and collected, I failed. I could feel his anger grow and my temper shot up again. "Now don't get angry at me Blake, I'm not the one with the secret blonds and whatever else you aren't telling me." Flabbergasted is what I would use to explain the look on his face.

"What is happening to you? I can't even feel you or share your thoughts?" I looked up in surprise. "You can't? So it's not normal to be able to block your other half?" He looked hurt and confused. "No....no it's not. What are you? I don't understand what's happening? We have the mark, I love you like I have never loved anybody before! This doesn't make sense?" He looked so lost and I started to feel bad. I couldn't help but love him but I need to know! He couldn't keep me in the dark forever.

"I guess a talk is way over due. So let's talk about everything you know, if not then I'll be gone before you know it, out of your hair so you can continue with your blonds! I thought I could trust you! I love you, is anything I'm feeling even real!" I realized to late that I was shouting now and that there was an entire group of people watching me have a break down, but the one person that broke me down completely was Blake. The broken and lost look on his face brought me to tears.

I collapsed on the ground crying and I could feel how he broke down after I released the block I had put off and all my emotions flooded our connection. He saw it all, my confusion, pain and questions. He came to me and held me in his arms while we were both crying. "I don't know baby.....we will figure this out!" He whispered out slowly while holding me to him, ignoring all the people looking at us in shock and confusion. Except for one or two who knew exactly what was happening.


I'm not sure if I like this chapter.....let me know what you think! Read you later X :)

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