Comfortable for now

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Nice and warm...cozy and so comfortable. I let out a contend sigh and snuggled deeper into the warmth surrounding me. I haven't felt this rested, comfortable and safe since I had to run away. The reminder of running away and being chased for so long made me shoot up and fall of the bed while crawling to the wall. I heard a loud groan come from the bed I just left in a hurry. Fear coated my system and my hand was on my heart because it felt like it would beat out of my chest. My head started to feel fuzzy because short breaths were leaving my lips I was close to hyperventilating. "Baby why did you do that it really hurt. Are you ok? " a gruff and sexy sounding voice said from the bed. He slowly sat up while cradling his head. He turned to look at me and his eyes grew wide at the sight of me. "Gen your bleeding! Baby breath it's just me." He jumped of the bed towards me and started inspecting my wound. I think I stopped breathing for a moment. He was gorgeous, beautiful and so much more. I felt a stinging sensation when he pressed a piece of tissue against the cut on my head and I let out a hiss. My hand went up to pull his away but he caught it with his other hand and squeezed my fingers. The tingling sensation was enough to distract me from the pain. I squeezed him back and his eyes shifted to mine and I felt calm and protected the moment our eyes connected. I cleared my troath and slowly looked away when I felt my cheeks heat up. The most amazing sound reached my ears and then I realized he was letting out a chuckle to my reaction. I blushed even harder and wanted to turn away but he made that impossible by caging me in with his very nice body. I must have bumped my head if these types of thoughts are going trough my mind. " I'm ok...I'm fine can I stand up please?" I said softly. He slowly moved away and helped me get up. A pain shoot trough my tigh and leg and I stumbled and almost fell again but he caught me swiftly. " Baby what's wrong with your leg? Your pretty clumsy in the morning or is this because you freaked out?" I looked up and I could see fear in his eyes. But why would he be scared? Because of my leg? It didn't make sense until I noticed he was avoiding my eyes. He was afraid I was mad that he slept in the same bed that I didn't want him. My mouth resembled a fish at that point opening and closing with no sounds coming out. Well this is highly attractive it thought to myself when I heard him laugh at my reaction. "No it's'm glad your here. I was just so comfortable and stuff and then I thought about running and being chased and I panicked and I just.....reacted." I said with a shaky voice. My face felt like it was beet red.

He slowly moved us so we were both in a standing position. I slowly put pressure on my leg and it felt fine. I stretched it out and put my body weight on it and it felt fine. I would definitely get a bruise but it didn't hurt anymore. I let out a light smile and brushed my hair out of my face hissing softly when my fingers grazed the cut on my head. I started to walk towards the bathroom and felt a small tug on my hand. I turned around and was again overwhelmed by his beauty. Would I ever get used to this I thought to myself. He slowly pushed me on the bed and told me to stay put. I just sat there wondering why I was listening to him. I was about to get up when he came back with a first aid kit and started to treat my cut. "You should be fine in a little bit and the cut will go away but I will just disinfect it to be safe." He said with a sweet smile. He softly kissed me on my nose and left to put away the kit. "Go away? What do you mean go away?" I said puzzled with his explanation. "Well I'm already full grown so I heal from my wounds quickly, that's why I don't have a mark on my face. It already healed like your cut will in a little bit because you are my mate. You won't be full grown until you are eighteen and then you will be able to heal by yourself, now you are just borrowing some of my healing abilities since we are connected as mates or other halves." He said in a sweet voice. "Oh." Was all I could say. Genius response if I say so myself. Devon would be proud of me for that one. I let out a sad sigh at the thought of my best friend. If only she was here that would make my life much easier.

He came over and pulled me into a hug. He was playing with my hair and stroking it lovingly when he said the craziest thing. "If you want we can get Devon and bring her here if that makes you feel more comfortable." I stilled in his arms. " do you know about Devon?" I said with a shaky voice. I could have sworn I didn't mention her or said anything about her out loud. "You didn't, I heard you say it in your mind, well you sort of said it to me trough your mind. That's how I know you called my mom raven haired beauty." He said with a chuckle in his voice. I pulled out of the hug and slowly made my way over to the bathroom. I could see the concern on Blakes face. "You ok baby? To much information?" He said softly. He looked so sad. "Well yeah it's a bit much, I just need a moment if that's ok so...I'm gonna take a shower. Is that ok?" I said softly. He nodded at me with sadness in his eyes. I told myself to be the brave one now and slowly walked back to him. I gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek while turning into a tomato. "I'll....I'll be right back...b...babe?" I said in a squeaky and unsure voice while I quickly made my way over to the bathroom. I quickly glanced at Blake and saw him standing there with a huge grin on his face touching the spot I kissed him. I quickly shut the door and let out a big sigh. I heard him say something but it sounded muffled. I quickly walked over to the shower and turned it on. I tuned my head towards the door when I heard him shout and then I started laughing really hard and God that felt so good. "SHE CALLED ME BABE!" I surrendered myself to the giggles and slowly sat on the ground while I was clutching my sides from laughing so hard. He was adorable!

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